17* Coincidences...

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I'm finally here. So sorry for the long wait ❤❤


When Tems sang Crazy Things Are Happening, I should have known that she was referring to how my cohabitation with my sister would turn out to be.

Because if the last four days haven't been a definition of crazy things are happening, then I had no idea what term could sum it up better.

I woke up this morning to see her blending cooked rice...

That was the first thing I saw immediately I stepped out of my room because my apartment was an open concept apartment with literally no walls separating the sitting room from the dining and the kitchen.

My sister was there, dressed in the purple Jalab that she was always performing solat with and that made me conclude that she didn't even do any other thing after praying before rushing to the kitchen.

She just stood there, in all seriousness as she leaned against the cabinet and she kept pouring rice and more rice into the blender it was after observing her that I realized that it wasn't just cooked rice that she was blending.

She was blending uncooked ones too.

Ya Allah.

"Nazeera, what are you doing?" I had to ask and my voice sounded way more tired than I intended to.

My sister whirled around with a huge and contagious smile on her face that took me by surprise because I didn't understand why she'd be smiling like that.

"Oppa, you're awake? Good morning, hope you slept well?" She asked me as if she was reciting a mantra and I scoffed underneath my breath before making my way toward her.

"What are you doing?" I asked her again as I pressed the timer on the coffee maker to make myself a cup of coffee.

"Ohh, this? I'm making rice masala."

"Rice mas..." I trailed off, grabbed my cup of coffee, and settled myself at the kitchen island, "I hope you're not making mine too because there's no way I'd eat blended rice."

She turned off the blender, and poured the blended rice into a container before turning back to me with a smile on her face, "I'm sure you'll even ask for more when it's finally ready."

"Me? No way!"

"Hehehe," She snickered before coming to sit opposite me, "You'll see. You might even steal the ones I'm going to keep in the fridge."

A chuckle escaped my lips, "I'm not even going to taste that thing."

"The aroma will make you eat it in less than a heartbeat," She replied in less than a heartbeat and I just decided to indulge her.

But to eat what'd be made from rice paste? No way!

"I didn't hear you go to the rooftop today, are Saturday's exceptions for your photography ritual?"

Was it possible for me to have an exception? It was a ritual that I've been doing religiously for more than 4 years now.

"No, there are no exceptions. I only took the pictures from the balcony of my room." Which had only a little different from taking the pictures on the rooftop since my apartment was on the 7th floor of a 12-storeyed apartment complex- Hussain Towers.

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