35* Graffiti World

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Annyeong, who missed me?

I really apologize for the late lateeee update, it was not my intention to update almost a month after my previous update but I've been battling a very deep imposter syndrome, lack of inspiration, shitty moods coupled with a very busy schedule so I'm apologizing in advance for however way this chapter is.

And I'm not sure when next I'll be update after this update but it can't be anytime soon ❤️

And happy birthday to one of my fav Victoria_yemi    ❤️✨


Graffiti World was just like its name, a world filled with graffiti.

It was a wide garden, probably the biggest garden on the island with over six hectares of enclosed land with a fence that was literally made of graffiti. Every part of the fence was a colorful blend of brushes and paints to create the most enthralling art of objects, humans, and animals.

The world was an African-themed garden with huge walls, low walls, colorful benches, artificial trees, and bare expanses of land but a recurring theme in the park was graffiti. Everything was graffiti, graffiti, and more graffiti.

The park was inarguably one of the most popular recreational centers in the whole of Lagos with people walking in and out of the park every day to do their things, paint walls, draw graffiti, have fun and just do literally everything they wanted to do. New huge walls sprung up almost every week and the number of people that frequent the world increases tremendously every time.

The world was also the place for the biggest events in Lagos, from music shows to music festivals to Art fests to open mics, book reading, poetry slams, and all.

To most, it was the place to come alive, to be free, to feel wild, to float and merge with the colorful blends of brushes that had created the most artistic pieces on the walls, to dissolve into the loud music blaring from music shows that always seemed to go on forever, to feel deep feelings wreck your body when you hear a line from a spoken word.

It was just that place for most people.

I didn't feel any of that, at least not today. The only thing I was feeling was in-depth frustration because Goke was hell-bent on getting my head off my body.

Because why else would I have my head upturned for the last 30 minutes all in the name of him retouching my brows?

"Are you almost done?" I just had to ask.

"Not yet, just a few minutes more," he replied and Jemima brought the fan closer to my face and she raised her free hand to start massaging my neck.

"Sorry sweetie," Jemima appeased me with her hand lingering on my neck in a massage, "it's because he's trying to blur the brows so it won't be obvious at all."

Ohh. I had completely forgotten about that fact. It was supposed to be an all-natural shoot because it was for Nivex, the skincare brand I just signed a deal with but mom had insisted I wasn't allowed to use my natural face to take pictures that'd be all over social media and on major billboards all over the country.

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