19* Messed Up Realities

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Here you go AddictiveRose ❤❤before you show up in my dreams.

Nouman Hussain

Sister Nazeera officially started university and safe to say I haven't had peace of mind since Monday.

Normal students won't spend the whole day at school, get back home in the evening, fix a light dinner and go to bed immediately so they'd be properly rested for the next school day.

But Nazeera wasn't normal.

She'd get home in the evening, start cooking a new recipe that'd take like three hours before it'd be ready.

And that wasn't even the worst part.

The worst part was that I had to sit with her in the kitchen because she needed to gist me about how her day went.

Keywords had and needed.

I didn't have an option, I had to sit with her because I was afraid that if I didn't, she'd start crying and she needed to tell me because she said, if she didn't, she might fall and die from keeping all that gists buried in her.

Her words, not mine.

And it'd have been better if my sister would give me a summary of how her day went but she'd say everything, every single thing that happened that day, from the lecturers' names to their course codes and titles to their lecture rooms to their food labs and kitchens, to people's comments on her clothing, to the people she was becoming closer with, to how their chairs were arranged, to their paintings and colors and everything.

Nazeera would narrate every single thing without leaving anything out.

I did not even understand how she could talk with that much vigor and energy because you needed to see the energy she'd give into narrating and demonstrating how a particular thing happened, after spending the whole day holed up in classes and kitchens.

I didn't understand.

And finally, we'd retire to our rooms in the morning of the next day and I'd still hear Nazeera watching dramas and giggling to her heart's contents.

I didn't understand her.

And Nazeera's late-night gist was probably the reason why I kept yawning and was feeling very sleepy in my morning class on Wednesday.

"Okay, guys," Miss. Janice's voice snapped me back into reality just when I was about to drift off into sleepiness for the umpteenth time in that class.

"So that will all for this class," The class burst into a scream so loud that one would think we all just got a free A in this course but to most students, this was almost like a free A too.

After all, what could be better than a lecturer saying a 2-hour class had ended when it was barely even 40 minutes into the class.

That was probably one of the best news any student could hope for.

"But," Her loud voice quietened the students' screams, "There would be an assignment."

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