No fun - Part 16 - Charles x Logan x Reader

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So, in this chapter I am bringing the X-Men into the story. But fear ye not. I will bring Peter and Tony back in the next part.

(Y/n) sat in the dark. Her arms wrapped tightly around her knees. The only sound breaking the heavy silence that had descended over her workshop since the Avengers had managed to make their way back to the Quinjet, the soft whirring of the machines from the other room. After she had spoken to Logan, she had done her best to stop crying. But as she had watched the chaos outside her shop on the monitors. Watched as her family, as her father dealt with all the townsfolk that wanted nothing more than to meet the famous Avengers. She had cried all the more. Despite what she had said, despite what she wanted him to think, (Y/n) loved her father a great deal. She always had. From the moment that she could remember, she had adored him. The time they had spent together. The fun that they had. All the times that he had made her laugh, some of the greatest moments in her life. And that was what made this all the more difficult. What made it so much more painful. If she had disliked him, hated him, then she wouldn't care that he had sent her away. That he lavished his time and attention on Peter. But she didn't. And the fact that he hadn't even seemed to look at what she had been able to do, never mind say anything, had opened the old wounds. In fact, it had cut them even deeper. The tears making it hard to see, as she had watched her father smile and wave. Watch as he had signed autographs and had pictures taken.

And then there was Peter. God how she missed him. More than she ever thought she could. For so long, she had wanted to kiss him. To tell him how much she cared about him. How all that time they had spent together, having fun, was the thing that made her keep going back to deal with all the bad things. Helped her deal with her father's lack of feeling for her. But now, now it seemed too late to tell him. Ok, she had kissed him, but given that the young man had been blind to her feelings for this long, she was sure that Peter would probably still be as clueless now. Though perhaps, if the Iron Knight and Spiderman did get to meet again, she might be able to summon up the courage to say something to him. Actually, tell him that she loved him.

"Miss." A soft voice came. (Y/n) pulling the sleeve of her shirt down over her hand and using it to wipe her eyes.

"Yes Hector............."

"I have received a communication from the Blackbird. Professor Xavier said that he and the others will be here soon." The AI explained. (Y/n) slowly letting her legs drop to the floor.

"Thanks Hector. Can you put the lights up and make sure that all the suits are ready to go?" (Y/n) continued, as she got to her feet and made her way to the mirror. Letting out an audible groan, as she saw her tear soaked cheeks and red eyes. The young Stark knowing that she would have to greet her friends looking this bad. Also knowing that she would have to answer a lot of questions between there and the mansion for everyone but Charles, whom she was sure would already know the whole sad story.

During her time away, Charles had done his best to persuade her to speak to her father. To tell her that things weren't as she believed, and that if she went home then the situation could be fixed. But (Y/n) was a Stark. She was stubborn and proud. Not wanting to be the first one to back down. To apologise. So, the older man had done the only thing that he could do, he had offered her a lifeline. He and the others had been there as she had become the Iron Knight. He had told her that if she ever wanted to come a little closer to home, then there was always space at the school. And now, now she needed that lifeline more than ever before.

"Miss. Mister..............." Hector tried to announce, as a sudden loud knock shook the outer door. (Y/n) not needing the AI to tell her that the X-Men had arrived, and Wolverine was announcing their presence.

"Its ok, Hector. You don't have to tell me." (Y/n) chuckled in reply, as she made her way to the door. Straightening herself before opening the ingress. The young Stark coughing, as she was surrounded by a cloud of cigar smoke.

"You ok, kid?" The oh so familiar gruff tone enquired through the smoke. (Y/n)'s breath leaving her body, as she found herself engulfed by a pair of strong arms. A smile coming to her lips, as she caught a glimpse of the professor. Of Storm, Hank, Scott and the others.

"I'm better for seeing you. I'm sorry to do this Professor, but like I told Logan, my cover has been blown and I have to get out of here. The Iron Knight needs a new home, and I was hoping that your offer still stood." (Y/n) explained, as she pulled herself away from Logan and gave Hank and Storm a hug. Rogue giving her a soft reassuring smile as she took her hand.

"Of course, it does, (Y/n). But are you sure that you don't want to go back to the compound? Your father.........young Mister Parker................"

"No.........I mean, not yet. I just..........after what happened earlier, I can't go back. I'll always be there to help them if they ever want me to, but I doubt that father will ever think that I am worthy of a place on the team. I think that perhaps the Iron Knight is meant to be on her own. Well..........unless the X-Men have a use for her." (Y/n) replied, as she came over and placed a soft kiss to the older man's cheek. Charles giving her one of his wise and comforting looks. Their conversation continuing in hushed tones as Logan, Hank, Scott, Colossus and the rest made their way inside. The mutants slowly bringing her gear and equipment out. Her suits and everything that she had been able to create, taken to some large black trucks that had just pulled up outside.

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