Trans Manie (Halloweentown)

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Marnie Piper was not like the other girls around her. It always seemed weird things happened around her; not to mention she was weird herself. She loved everything Halloween related. Ghosts, monsters, and especially witches. Halloween was her favorite holiday. The only problem was she couldn't celebrate it. Her mom hated it. She couldn't dress up or decorate the house, she couldn't watch movies about it, and they couldn't even hand out candy to trick or treaters. She didn't understand it. She and her mom were polars. Once again, she was arguing with her mom.

"I don't see why I can't go out on Halloween." Marnie said angry. She was hoping to go out with her friends but she was stuck at home. Dylan was reading a book as he usually did and Sophie was looking at other kids trick or treating.

"You just can't. I'll tell you when you're older."

"Will I be old enough when I'm 18? Or when I'm 21? Or when I'm 30? You always tell me when I'm older." Marnie crossed her arms. Gwen rubbed her forehead in frustration.

"You just wouldn't understand now. I'm sorry."

"I just think there's something about Halloween that in me. Like it's apart of me. It's like I need it to be me."

"No you don't." Gwen said sternly. Marnie just looked at her.

"You didn't say that when I told you I was a girl." Gwen stood. She wasn't expecting that. Marnie had told her about how she felt a few years back. She and her husband William agreed to help as best as they could. After a while their son became their daughter. They made sure Dylan and Sophie treated her as a sister. She had been put on blockers to stop her body from changing. With Marnie turning 13 she had been wanting to take hormones though Gwen wanted to wait on it incase Marnie changed her mind. Marnie argued that she wasn't as she had already been a girl for a while and loved it. Marnie was sitting down looking at the floor. Her siblings were looking back and forth to her and their mom. Gwen sighed.

"That's different, Marnie. Gender is real and magic isn't. You're old enough to understand that." Marnie continued to look down. Before they could start again they heard a familiar voice.

"Hello everyone." Aggie the kid's grandmother said. The kids ran and hugged her while Gwen looked shocked.

"How are you, kids?" Aggie asked. They all said they were fine. Gwen quickly jumped in.

"I didn't know you would be here, mother." Gwen said firmly yet with a smile.

"Iwas in the neighborhood so I thought I'd pop in. You don't want to be alone on Halloween." She also said with a smile.

"Did you bring us anything?" Dylan asked.

"Of course." The bag had all kinds of goodies in it. Gwen didn't like it. After spending some time together Aggie said she had to go though she had time to tell them a story. She told them about Halloweentown. Marnie loved the sound of it. There was even a girl who looked like her in it.

"That's me." Marnie said. "Or it would be if I were a real girl."

"You are a real girl. Just like this girl is a real witch."

"Are there witches, grandma?" Sophie asked. Before she could say anything Gwen interrupted.

"You don't want to miss your bus, mom"
"Do you have to go?" Marnie asked. Aggie looked at Gwen who was looking at her firmly.

"I'm afraid so, dear." After they said their goodbyes Gwen and Aggie were arguing. Marnie heard it a little.

"You can't keep doing this, mom. You can't keep trying to go and tell them all about this."

"I know things have been hard since William died. It's just that Marnie is 13 now and if we don't teach her now she lose her powers forever and be normal."

"I want her to be normal. I raised her in the human world and the human world is where she'll stay."

"You weren't so tight when she told you she was a girl." Aggie said. Gwen sighed.

"I already told Manie that was different. People confused about their gender problems here, mom. But there are no witches or magic."

"You know that magic can help transform her body more to the body she truly wants. It's better than those pills and surgery here. I'll admit it's a longer process but in the and it will be worth it."

"Marnie knows she'll never have the body she really wants. She's already on blockers and I've been talking to get her started on hormones. She'll look like a girl without magic." After some more talking and making a live chicken Aggie left and Marnie told Dylan that she was witch.

"So grandma is a witch and so is mom and so am I. And the best part is Ican use magic to become a real girl." Marnie said cheerfully. Dylan looked at her with his jaw dropped.

"I think that shows craziness is passed down. I just hope boys are immune." Marnie didn't know it take that as a comment or an insult. Later they saw their grandma leave. Manie followed her as did Dylan and Sophie. This brings them to Halloweentown. They went to their grandmas house who was glad to see them.

"Isit true that I'm a witch and can change my body?" Marnie asked. Aggie nodded.

"We need to train you if you want to keep your powers. While it will take some time to change your body with magic it will be worth it. You'll be a genetic girl." Marnie smiled at that. Of course, before they could do that Gwen showed up to tell them to go home. Trouble started brewing when the evil warlock Kalibar tried to take over Halloweentown.

"You think you can defeat me? I'm the most powerful warlock around and you're just a warlock pretending to be a witch."

"She is a witch." Gwen said.

"You can't do it alone!" Kalibar said.

"Maybe not. But there is my mom and my grandma and my sister and my brothers magic." The Cromwell family bounded together to defeat Kalibar and bring peace to Halloweentown.

"Now that everything is okay again I can teach you to be a witch." Aggie said.

"Um, no." Gwen said taking the broom. "I will." Marnie and Aggie smiled. "And I think we better start on the magic to change your body."

"Really?" Marnie hoped.

"It's what you want right."

"I promise to be the best witch I can be." Marnie said.

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