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Read the last chapter first, it's a double update :)


"Fuck you, dumbass."

"How am I the dumbass? You were walking in the middle of the road."

"It's pitch black."

"With street lights."

"Okay Mr. Payne in everyone's fucking ass. At least I don't have a shit last name." Louis says

"Irrelevant, mate. Yours is shit too."

"Less shit than yours."

I pinch the bridge of my nose. I want to kill them both. It's in the middle of the fucking night, I had to watch my sister grind on men and now this. I can't wait to just get home to see Hazel.

" Louis' is worse."

"Shut the fuck up, Niall."

This is making me go fucking insane. We're walking home as I probably would drive the car off the fucking cliff if we took it.

"Louis' got attitude."

"Shut up, Liam, you're literally still a virgin."

"Am not."

"We all know it's the truth." Niall pipes in.

"You can't talk, Niall." Louis smiles sarcastically at him.

"Can you all shut the fuck up, yeah? You all have fucking shitty names and get no action."

They all look at me. "Someone's having a temper tantrum." Louis murmurs. I want to kill him. I would if he wasn't like a brother to me.

I kick open the front door, the warm air making me melt into a cozy puddle. I take off my shoes, throwing them to the side.

I shut the door, it echoes through the room. I started taking steps up the stairs. I'm so fucking tired. I've had the busiest day in a while.

I had to kill off some people, mostly irrelevant people. I found out what some people of hearts do and that explains why they have so much money. There's loads of clubs and they kidnap women to make them money. Meaning that's what they want from Hazel and also what they've done to Gems.

What also makes me two times more tired is those stupid fucking paps. Yesterday I did some Gucci shoots and it's fucking tiring have flashing lights in my face all day. Today I even had the random girl walk up to me to get a picture. I don't know what they're doing to make me famous so fast but I fucking hate it.

I trample over my feet, ready to sleep with Haze on me. I walk down the large hallway, my stomach doing that weird thing it always does when I know I'm going to see Haze.

I turn the corner and Hazel's door is open. Her door is never open.



Fuck fuck fuck.

My stomach drops and I feel the colour in my face disappear. "Hazel?" I say, rather loud and she doesn't respond. "Shit" I whisper. I want to fucking throw up. "Hazel!" I shout, barging into her room. "Haze-"

She's not fucking in there.


I brush my hair with my fingers, sweat lining my forehead.

"Fuck sakes." I turn around racing down the stairs. They're going to kill her. If she dies then so do fucking I. I don't want Hazel to die. Shit. Fuck.

I can't let Hazel go.

I rush down the hall and Liam and Niall have passed out.

I want to cry. I don't cry but I am. A single tear falls and I'm in a state of panic. "Holy shit."

I turn, passing the large kitchen and bump into Louis. "Where the fuck is Hazel?"

"I- I don't know..." He holds my shoulder but I shrug him off. I feel so uncomfortable. My heart feels broken? I don't fucking know. "Why? What's wrong-"

"Shit." I say, falling into a crouch. I look at the floor.

"Hazel's fucking gone." I say to him, my voice breaking.

"Shit." Louis says, I hear panic in his voice. I know all the boys care for her.

"Call her." He says and I waste no time doing so.

"Hey, I'm busy right now. Probably won't get back to you."

It went straight to fucking voicemail. Shit.

She's probably so fucking scared. And it's all my fucking fault. I should've made her come with us. I'm so fucking stupid. Shit.

I throw the phone and I'm sobbing. I hate the feeling of my face being wet but I'm crying too hard.

"Don't be worried," Louis said. But he's worried too. "Let me see if I remember how to trace her phone.

He rushes over to my phone and calls her again.

He does some technology shit and his face falls. "Shit. It didn't work." He murmurs.

"Fuck, Louis, what did I do?"

I'm tugging my hair and it's giving me a fucking migraine but I can't fucking stop.

"Harry, mate, it'll be okay-"

My phone buzzes.

I snatch my phone from Louis.

It's a message from Hazel.

Hazel's alive.

I click on my message and my blood goes to fucking cold. I have to squeeze my eyes shut and I pass the phone to Louis. My body feels shattered. My heart is merely dust.

On the screen is Hazel. The beautiful Hazel fucking Woods. She's so fucking pale. White like paper. Her lips are blue and her beautiful eyes of life are rolled back. She looks fucking lifeless and I've never been more fucking scared in my life.

She's in a circle fountain, she's wearing just her underwear. Her hair is wet and there's a cut on the left of her chest.

The second picture is her at a toddler sized table with a stuffed lion. On the table, there's a teapot and cups. She looks like ice. She looks broken and fucking soulless. And it's my fucking fault.

I'm shaking.

I'm terrified.

"She's a doll, Styles."

I cant fucking move but if I stay for much longer she's going to be fucking dead.

My heart feels so fucking heavy. My face is wet and sweat coats my body.

"Fuck, Harry. I'm sorr-" He cuts himself off. He turns off the phone and I feel frozen in time. I'm so fucking mortified for her. "Wait- Isn't this the abandoned church ruins?"

My body is still quivering, I rush and take the keys then I sprint to the car.

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