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This is the second half of the double update!


Harry told him to meet me by the bakery, three lefts, two rights from the sweet shop. I'm not quite sure why yet but there's two men circling the area taking pictures of me so I cover my face. There's a pit in my stomach because of it but I'm trying to ignore it.

"Sorry I was late" I hear Harry come up behind me. I turn around and smile because of him warm presence, being able to recognise him just by his colonge. He doesn't smile back which is off. He always smiles back and kisses me or something. But none of that.

Harry hold my hands and squeezes them three time- at keast he's not mad. I frown as I see a flash of another picture being taken. "Harry? Why are those peeople taking pictures of us?" I ask and he looks at them, clenching his jaw.

"You know the two orginasations." I nod. The bakery organisation and the Modelling organisation. Needless to say, the modelling agency seems better but they're short on people. My mother says it's because they're all going missing.

"Yes, I do."

"Then there you go." We start walking around the corner, I expect the have taken more pcitrures. "My mum figured it would be easier for me to become the model that people know about because I'd say I'm above average." I smile that he's mentioning his mum. He's always secretive about his family.

"It's all for publicty. We're going to do a shoot together now all for publicty and fame. It'll help me keep you safe." He is an angel. My heart flutters at his words and I squeeze his hand.

"Oh, so thats where we're going."

"Yeah. Also my mother wants to meet you."

I smile and hold his arm, looking up to him. I hear a click of a camera but choose to ignore it. "And why's that?" I ask and he flickers a quick smile and goes back to clenching his jaw and being serious.

"You're Hazel. Everyone wants to meet you."

I see Louis' car down the road. "Louis' taking us?"

"He insited."

I nod again and he helps me in the car.


"What are we modelling for?" I ask out of curiousty. I'm excited. I've never gotten do do this before.

"A new perfume. 'Mode.'" Mode is French to Styles.

"Is it your own purfume brand by any chance?"

"Close, darling. It's my mothers."

I smile and nod, my makeup being put on. The brushes make it hard not to laugh, but in some ways this is calming.

The whole make up look is pretty natural except my eyes. My eyes are grey and smokey and it gives me a boost of confidence that I've never experienced. "All done." The makeup stylist says in French. "The woman over there will help you get your clothes."

I nod and get up from the chair and Harry smiles at me weakly. Something's up with him. I don't know what and it puts my high mood down slightly. "Come over here." The woman walks me down the small hall with people running past.

We enter this dressing room and theres so many outfits there. She picks out maybe the most boring one which is a plain black stretchy dress with a slit down the leg, going to my knees. "Try this one." I nod and she leaves the room for me to get dressed.

I slide the dress on and although the dress is simple, it flatters me. I smile at myself and I see the Mode purfune on the table. It's black, the other grey, and it's shape is like a gem. It has the word 'Mode' in gold with 'Masculine' in a smaller font on the black one. On the grey one it's the same but it says 'Feminine'. On both of the lids, there's a little charm which is a cross, the same cross on Harry's hand.

I spray the scent into the air. The masculine one is more richer than the grey one. But overall they smell the same.

I open the door, letting the girl back in and she smiles. "You like the smell?" She asks and I nod.

"It's nice. I'd wear it." I say and she smiles.

"The dress looks beautiful on you." She says and looks in the mirror. "Wear this bracelet and necklace. It'll look great." She passes me a thick matching silver jewellery.

She helps attach them both. I can barely move my wrist or my neck but it does definitely suit the outfit. My hair is down and flowing and I'm suprised the kept my natural waves.

"Styles is ready for you Ms..."

"Woods. Miss Woods." I carify.

She smiles kindly and walks me to the cameras.

The back is filled with wires apon wires and people running around but the stage itself looks like a french street on a wet night with a moterbike in the middle.

"We're going for five shots in an hour!" The cameraman shouts.

This is all so overwhelming. I never really knew that Harry would model like this. Or even to agree to do this. But also this is his mum who made him do it.

"Woods, Styles, on the moterbike." He says.

We both get on the black motorbike, Harry infront. "Woods, put you arm around his and look at the camera."

I know models dont usually smile so I don't either. "Perfect." He mutters. Luckily because of my job, I'm great at keeping a straight face.

"Styles, face the camera, lean your head on her." He does so and they take the shots. And each time Harry and I move slightly.

"You know the person over there sat at the back?" Harry whisper.

"Yes." I whisper back.

"Hold the perfumes!" The man yells. We get given the perfumes. "Hold the to your face." Me and Harry hold the perfumes together like our heads are. "Perfect, you guys!"

"That's her." He says, referring to his mum.

"Whats her name?" I ask. If I'm going to meet her, it's going to diffuclut without her name.

"Rachel." He whispers back.

"Do I have rules?" I ask timidly.

"Woods, put your elbow on his shoulder!"

"What"? Harry replies to me.

"Rules for me meeting her."

"Haz- No. No you don't. Just be you." I nod slightly.

"Keep still!"

"I'm sorry that thats how it worked before Haze." He whispers and I kiss his shoulder, ignoring the instruction not to move.

"Wait- that's great, do it again. Lean your chin on him. To the camera!" I do what he says.

After a long hour of being told what to do, the shoot ends.

I stare at his mother and a slight drop of dread enters my veins.

Midnight Angel H.S COMPLETEDNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ