Sixteen, Warm

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Sapnap pov

After school I have no idea what to do. Karl's gone. I'm gone. I sit in my bed and I see my roommate Quackity stare at me weird. "Dude what's up?" He questions with a weird concern in his eyes. He sleeps in his beanie, I don't know why only now I'm starting to find that bizarre.

"Nothing...I...." I don't know what to say. I'm speechless. I still feel Karl's lips on mine. We barely talk, why am I so obsessed with the thought of kissing him again. It's weird, he's weird. His eyes change colour. He dresses like a literal tree fairy if that shit exists.

My hands suddenly get extremely warm. I feel like I have a fever. It's weird why every time I have kissed someone my entire body heats up. Sometimes I can barely breathe. It's begging for me to go back and kiss Karl again.

Quackity steps closer and looks at me in my bed. A goofy smile gets splattered on his stupid face. "You like someone" he declares. I stare at him in shock. Why is this so creepy? How does he know that. I don't know if I like Karl, but I just kissed him. It's as if Quackity can feel that it happened. Bizarre.

"Sapnap? You're really um pale right now" I am? Is that why I feel so dizzy. It's like I'm wobbly. And my legs feel like they're cramping. I wonder if I'm going to faint soon, but the possibility is low, this has happened before. "Bro, Are you a vampire?" Quackity jokes and slowly leans over to touch my forehead with his hand. He almost jumps in shock.

"Holy shit! You're burning warm" he's freaked out. His eyebrows furrow and he takes a few steps back. I'm scared, why is his reaction like this. I wonder if a doctor will come and save me now. "You're definitely not a vampire with that body temperature" he whispers a few seconds later. A giggle escapes my body quickly. He smiles at me.

Then he walks away and doesn't say another word. I decide to grab my phone but when I feel the cold steel clash with my own hand it's a shock, Quackity had warned me, what is all of this about?

Maybe Karl.

I open the phone, my face barely recognisable by my face-ID. My dark blue phone almost falls on my face. Before I enter Karl's messages Quackity entered the room again. I panic and the phone actually falls on my face this time. He laughs at me and I flip him off.

"You're coming to the party on Saturday right?" He asks puzzled. I have no idea what he's talking about right now. He sees my confusion. "What?"

"Dina Mora? She's so popular" He admits and sits down on the bed again. He's shocked. "Yes- yes I know that" I mutter and Quackity nods in approval. "You should come, Willows probably gonna be there, but just ignore her" I still can't fathom that Willow still is obsessed with me even though we've broken up so long ago.

I'm close to just saying I'm gay to her her off my back. But it's probably very disrespectful to do. Towards my own people. And I don't want the rest of the school to already figure out what's happening to me currently, questions sexuality.

"I head Dina Mora likes you" Q whispers almost as I wasn't supposed to hear it, I laugh ironically. I might choke. There is no way. I'm not going near her anytime soon. She'll try and figure my secrets out and then snitch. She'll call me disgusting things if she finds out about the kiss with Karl. Poor Karl.

If anyone finds out. Karl is gonna be screwed, I feel bad for him.

I ask Q to leave. He does it immediately. His steps being heard loudly.

My head bangs down on the headboard again. I read the texts Karl has sent me. I smile just by thinking about it. What the heck is wrong with me. I hit myself internally, I do it too often. Punishments in my own mind.

Why wasn't I warned that my roommate would have this guy over every second of the day I get no alone time without them flirting

It's a package deal. George just automatically has a Dream in the Deal.


You'll get used to it. How are you? :)

My fingers swipe on the keyboard for what feels like forever. Karl is funny. It's a discovery I should've made a long time ago. But I'm realising that so much time has gone by. It's dark when I look outside. I'm not heated anymore. Maybe it was Karl.

But this reaction is so unusual for me. I avoid searching it up on google. Because everyone knows what happens when you accidentally do that. You'll end up worse than you were before. Even more worried.

I once thought that me falling on a bike was going to cost my life. I remember when I was 5 years old Dream told me my grandma could feel my pain. Then I sometimes hurt myself in front of her to make her feel the pain. And nothing happened. I was fairly disappointed. I tell Karl this story. He sends back lots of crying laughing emojis. I smile.

Karl is Bisexual. He tells me over texts. I have no idea what to respond. I end up saying something stupid like "cool" and I feel dumb. Who does this, now he's gonna think I'm homophobic. I want to sigh and throw myself on my bed and bury myself. He quickly switches subject.

I think about the party Dina is hosting. I'll go. I know I don't have a choice anyway.

Karl asks me if we can meet up and go late night shopping for some energy drinks for his apartment with George, it's apparently lacking drinks in there. Dream is drinking them all, Karl points his fingers. Getting out of bed, I'm sweating. Luckily it isn't visible.

I accept Karl's offer and take my jacket on to leave the house. Quackity doesn't even get the chance to question my sudden urge to leave the house. I stay quiet before I'm out the door in no time.

I hope this is going to be fun.

1069 words

Dina Mora huh...

Anyway happy pride-month and hope you have a good week :)

Wrote this quickly, so sorry if there's mistakes
- Aries

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