twelve, coffee talking

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Sapnap POV:

"Here you go" Karl said after walking up to the desk and getting our orders. Karl comments that they spelled his name wrong as always. So his name is Carl with a K? Yeah probably, I'll assume it for now.

It was quiet, and awkward, we shared no words. He ordered a vanilla drink, I know it, I've tried a couple of times, to be honest it was way too sweet for me, it matched Karl though.

I thanked him, for taking me here, still keeping complete silence. I take my time to stare at Karl, just a quick look. Gentle freckles that you can only notice when you really pays attention. He had a soft jaw and eyes that I couldn't help but to keep adoring.

The only weird thing about the eyes were...they changed colours. Only occasionally. Only when I looked away, there was this millisecond it was extremely visible, then out of no where they would turn his normal ocean blue. Not changing.

This silence is fucking boring and not to my liking, why did I even say yes when this guy wasn't even babbling a single word? I really wanna take my phone out and text someone actually entertaining but I didn't.

I just needed to know more about Karl "soooo, what do you do in your free time?" Honestly I've already forgotten if I've asked this before, I don't think I have. My mind is just utterly confused.

He blushed, wasn't this a normal thing to ask? Oh god. He scratched his neck "I mean it's kinda embarrassing, I don't really wanna tell" he giggled, really cutely actually, I would wanna hear that again.

His gaze looked away from me. I try to smile "oh come on, it can't be that bad" I encourage him to let it out. I was about to say something very inappropriate, holding it back. I didn't know how Karl would react to it, maybe that was a loser thing to do, to crack those idiotic jokes.

"I mean, don't make fun of me" he paused, I was suddenly so interested, what did he do? Maybe he was really cool and did something like skatin- "I skate, only sometimes, I really enjoy cartoons... I know I sound like a child and it's stupid, it's totally dumb-" I interrupt him, I notice it was him rambling beginning to get nervous.

"It's not stupid, it's different, I've never met anybody who likes cartoons" he blushed again, what do it do? This is the second time. He lifts his cup and gently places it on his lips to let the coffee fall. Probably burning his throat a bit based on his reaction after.

"What about you?" Karl asked, less boring, his voice gives me a giddy feeling, it's weird but gives me adrenaline. He was asking me a question, really nothing nobody did, it's not everyday you meet someone who haven't already heard your entire life story through stupid school rumours.

"Football, basketball, gaming, photography, there's a couple of things" I smile and glance at his eyes, he smiles back genuinely, something sparked, I hope it wasn't dangerous for me.

The more questions Karl asked, the more I answered. It started going back and forth, we would speak for hours not even sipping coffee, it was cold and time passed like nothing. Feather in the air. Karl giggled, enjoying his company.

His small movements maybe not everybody picked up on was on my mind, his smile that only happened when he was giggling like crazy or honestly just dead quiet but blushing a smile towards me.

It's weird I was supposed to hate this guy but now I can see a friendship spiralling between us. His clothes that I later noticed also made me wanna hear more, he talked about his closet, his designer clothes and I just listened, listened to his voice. 

It seemed to be something he was interested in, his clothes, the music he listens to, yeah that as well, that bitch enjoyed the best music, it made me so mad that his music was literally better than me, of course jokingly. 

Karl Jacobs, I learned his last name, did he tell me this before? Probably, did I pay attention? Definitely not, I hated this guy at first, for me he spiked offer, something easy to get to do what you'll want, something changed.

I feel as if he had the power to overdo me, which makes me nervous, I hope not, I like control, I've always liked control. Now I find myself open ring doors for Karl, get his cup and throwing it up.

We walked out, I gave him my number. George would be disappointed. But he was barely on my mind right now? What was overtaking my brain? Karl's hair, yeah brown fluff I had a desire to touch with my fingers, I wanted to brush it out.

I sound like a fucking creep, I promise I'm not. I try my hardest to think stuff without sounding like a stalk people in my free time. I'm just bad with verbal emotions, it sucked not being able to express your appreciation for others without being an awkward mess of a human being.

It was late, the night sky setting in. Late night were always my favourite time of the day, ironically also when I needed to sleep. Karl stares at me, turning slowly. I stare back and we fall into deep eye contact. He smiles, I blush.

I don't like him, I don't like him. I don't like him.

Yeah keep gaslighting yourself. Does love at first sight exist? Or maybe love at 6th sight. I don't know, I've never believed in that stuff.

Karl leaned in and gave me a hug, there was a small hesitation, maybe he wanted to do something else but changed his mind last second. The hug was a little longer than the ones I normally have with my friends. He smiles and walks away, he's so cute, I don't even try to get that thought out of my mind now.

I'm texting him, I wanna hang out with him. I need to get to know Karl Jacobs.

Sorry for no posts, I've been very busy with school.
Also I'm getting a dog and going on a short vacation next week, very excited. :)

Take care <3 eat, drink etc. you are lovely.

-Aries :]

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