Fourteen, classmates

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Karl POV:

I sit in special class, I actually didn't even really know the name, it's weird. They just called the subject, for struggling individuals, I wasn't struggling? I just started.

It's whatever, I didn't care. Or did I?

The winter sun blinding through the windows, it was difficult to even keep my eyes open, momentarily I would look away, just when the teachers attention was gone.

I tried opening my phone to ask my mom why the hell she placed me in this class, but, oh yeah, she's not here, she never checks her phone, it's like a never-ending game. She ignores me on purpose and one day just shows up at the door, expecting to be invited in with warm hugs.

I really needed her family name, a nature "child" without family was dead trash, that's what everyone called them at least, if you had no generation or past most people thought you were fire undercover, deep roasts that would end up ruining everything otherwise.

Basically my mom still identifying as my mom means a lot for me, there was nothing I could do about it. I snap out of my thoughts when I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder. I turn my head.

Sapnap? In this class? He doesn't seem like someone who would belong here.

"Hey wanna do the work with me?" He smiled, honestly when I glanced around the classroom no one seemed like a better option, Sapnap was the closest of goodness I could get. I nod "sure" my voice was a little too high and a small flicker of embarrassment beamed in me. It quickly disappeared as Sapnap totally ignored my mistake.

"Let's start" he smiled and gave me the paper, psychology work written all over, something I was actual shit at. That's the worst possible outcome. Mom put me in psychology class? I haven't been this confused ever.

Sapnap started studying the questions, he knew what he was doing, utilising the right helping methods we got, if I were him I would try my hardest just to cheat the answers, like I always did when that private teacher, Cate, always showed up at my house to make me a well-educated student.

She was mysterious, I might even say she was worse than my mom, when you searched her up she never showed up, no Cate, not even her last name gave results. That's so odd and I used to be awake all night wondering who she possible could be. Most likely she could be my moms friend that lied her way through society and faked being a teacher.

"Karl? Are you even listening?" I just stared at him, I was tired, I hated doing extra classes and it's only the 3rd time I'm here, I don't know why I never spotted Sapnap in this class before, maybe he hides. Or skips, he probably just skips.

"You have to answer this question" Sapnap takes a breath and changes his voice "why is it hard to change your personality?" He read it in a classy voice, he's probably just as bored as me. I giggle slightly and he smiles, I haven't seen him smile like this before, not that I specifically remember.

I still thought Sapnap was weird, of course I did, but I also haven't met a lot of people and was fun being around something new, something that couldn't recall your entire life and constantly make jokes about the past.

He stares at me and I don't know why I can't speak, I'm speechless just glancing at him. I luckily remembered my blue contacts today so my eyes didn't change colour in front of his eyes, I knew for a fact they definitely are changed under the coverage.

My vision goes blurry and focuses on the interesting parts of Sapnap, eyebrows, eyes. His eyes were green, from a far I could have accidentally observed them as brown but closely I can confirm they aren't brown at all. He's pretty. Didn't know why it took me long to realise how good-looking he is, maybe I was still slightly creeped out and avoided peering at his features.

My eyes react to everything. And I mean everything. Now that Sapnap has stared for a enough I dropped the eye contact and grabbed his computer, I searched the question as quickly as possible. Trying to forget what just occurred.

He moved close to my ears "wanna skip?" He whispers, I nod desperately and when the teacher walks out the room to quickly chat with her co-workers we strike, we both just walk out the class-room and honestly it didn't seem like the other students cared, they were obviously extremely used to this happening.

We run, we run out with far steps before we got caught, no students expect our class was left so if anyone caught us they knew exactly where we belonged.

"Where are we gonna go?" I say as I wobble out the building, by accident I may have pulled a muscle while I ran, my foot stepping wrongly. I tried ignoring it and hoped Sapnap would ignore my clear struggle. I was anxious to skip, in movies they always made it a bad thing, and I didn't wanna be... bad.

I'm good, my people are always good.

Sapnap quickly gazed at me with a smile and averted his eyes forwardly again, a few seconds later. I watched closely to the road "do you like forests?" He questioned me, it came by surprise.

What kind of quizzing was that? Of course I liked forests, I quite literally lived in one. I giggle to myself. "Yeah." He chuckles, biting his lip and starts pointing to an ally.

"I know a forest next to a beach, it's very fun, wanna go?" He has an expression of dullness but somehow still filled with emotion. "Yep"

"K, let's walk there" he follows the way. I'm excited for new friends. But honestly maybe I could just be someone he hangs out with one day and finds boring.

I didn't find this recently developed feeling familiar.

Hi :]

School has been kicking my ass. That means, basically throwing homework at me. Also I had online school.

Happy new year!!!

Have a good day :)

1036 words.

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