seven, new sensation

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Karl POV:

Yesterday yeah, I almost can't remember anything. The only thing I know is that I made a big fool out of myself in front of that Sapnap guy.

Come on, I really needed to have a nightmare that day. Waking up at 3am sobbing, with some random dude not knowing what to do staring me down. That was so embarrassing.

I don't even wanna think about it...anyways.

I am in school currently looking at the new sensations I needed to get used to. A banner with the childhood bands over it, nice colouring and some lettering I didn't even care to read.

The lockers around the full room were each decorated in it's own way, stickers, pictures and Polaroids stuck to the metal door. Some even wrote their names with pencils to make sure there was no complications. I think.

My locker was red....and...yeah that's all, mine wasn't even close to interesting. Was I gonna decorate it later?....(no) why? (People would probably bully me)

I haven't even done something but have already been picked on by some ginger this morning, he had curly hair and freckles. Not really somebody I wanted to like me anyways. He seemed like a loser, just like everybody else at this school.

Except for a few. A girl I have never seen before showed me around the school at afternoon, she was nice but at the same time she was forced to talk to me, it wasn't out of kindness. The principal just randomly chose her. She was called May.

She spoke briefly about her best friend Willow but nothing else spiked in my mind about our conversation. It was really weird speaking to people without having somebody else next to me guiding.

It was lunch time, only a couple classes before the school day was over, I'm already stressed and exhausted. My phone vibrated and I grabbed it out of my jean pocket.

Karl, me and Quackity are outside, meet us there?

Uhm... where? What door number?

Just behind the parking lot, close to the forest, next to Quackity's car! :)

Wait, Niki? Aren't you mad at Quackity for ignoring you all the time and not helping?

I just gotta get used to it, you know.

I guess.
On my way!

I put my phone back in my pocket with a frown smeared on my face. Luckily nobody payed enough attention to notice that. My glare explored the room and I found the back door.

Parking lot entrance. My legs moved towards it and I opened the door trying to keep quiet. I saw Sapnap in the corner of my eye, he was sitting with Dream and George.

They clearly were having a nice conversation, seeming invested in whatever they spoke. Probably like football or soccer, whatever guys liked.

I never enjoyed what other people did, that's why me and Quackity are friends, we bond over things a lot of people found special or unusual.

I liked talking about survivor, the tv show. Nobody else watched it that I knew about, so I could talk about it for hours. They just listened to my rambling.

Prettier Than Nature // KarlnapNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ