𝚘𝚗𝚎, 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚘𝚕𝚍 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚜

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Karl woke up dizzy, his eyes were groggy and his body was getting used to the light. Birds were chirping from outside his window, it wasn’t really soundproof, nothing in his house was.

Living in a shack in the middle of the forest wasn’t his favorite thing to do, he was extremely lonely. He was told to hide, to never live an exposed life, to keep everything to himself before his life would turn dangerous. 

His house had overgrown plants on the walls, people would call it ‘aesthetic’ but to be honest, it wasn’t as great as people thought. The trees smelled of nature, it was weird to explain, everything around Karl was just nature. He would stare in the mirror and just ask why? Why am I like this? Why can’t I just be normal? Like everybody else. He hated himself for being like this.

His mom only came to his house once a week to check up on his behavior. They had a good relationship but she was also the one who suggested the idea of Karl staying by himself. Apparently it was for his own safety. 

Karl stretched his arms as he finally decided to get out of bed. His eyes were crooked, he was still slightly tired after having a busy day yesterday, and when he says busy he means, sitting in bed doing nothing from absolute exhaustion. He was so bored of life, it was just so incredibly boring.

It was like his life was already complete, it was stuck and could never get out of this horrid state. To never be continued.

Karl brewed a cup of coffee with his own coffee beans that his friend Quackity bought for him last time he visited, he was always nice company. But Quackity actually had a normal life, he was allowed to go out, he just had to hide the truth and all was fine.

you may wonder what the truth was?...anyways

Karl sat down on his chair outside and stared into the sunrise, the colours infatuated his eyes with beauty.

He wished to show it to someone one day, but Karl was honestly just waiting for his mom to find him a girl and just randomly tell him this was gonna be his future wife, it was like that for everyone in his family; his sister, his cousin and even his own parents weren’t even created by true love, they just learned to live with the option their parents chose. 

Karl hated to think about that, he wanted to find love, to find someone who would accept him for who he was. Being called a freak didn’t really help Karl’s self esteem, it made it worse. A monster was all he was, even his mom told him that people would say that to him right as they set eyes on him.

There was no way people knew about Karl’s power, so why did his mom say that? He was good at hiding, just like Quackity. It couldn’t be that difficult anyways.

Karl lifted his body from the chair and immediately started cleaning the empty coffee cup. The liquid spilling into the old sink, he smiled in satisfaction and put the cup back in the cupboard. He decided to go outside as he heard the birds singing his name. Well not literal, but he could just feel their aura was calling for him. 

He walked outside seeing a cloud of birds swarming his body, they filled him with serotonin. He was happy in nature but his notorious ways were also a curse he could never get rid off. The dark sensations that swarmed around him when people would comment on his ways, he tried going out once, showing himself...it didn’t go so well. 

Friend of nature wasn’t really a cool thing anymore, it probably was in the 1920’s but now it’s weird and being called witchwork. Old ladys liked calling him a witch, well he couldn’t argue with them because it kinda was true...in a way.

His family going back decades were all nature folks. They were loved, they were the people in the myths. the ones you learned about in school, most thought they were fake. Since phones didn’t exist there was no physical proof of their existence. 

There were so many things Karl was capable of he could never show the world, the few people that did know were a part of the fire kingdom. Their people aren’t really public anymore, they had no place to be, they were in the world. Half of them didn’t even know what power they secretly held. Destruction, anger and manipulation.

Karl had always been taught that those people were the ones to stay away from, they would eventually slowly torture you to death. Karl just knew not to go close to them, their types were after each other. His mom called the fire’s folks enemies and Karl believed every word she said.

But were they monsters? Maybe they got told the same stories about the natures people?

Karl wasn’t allowed to question anything, he was scared his mom could read thoughts, only few people could do that but Karl was still frightened to death that his mom happened to be one of them. He snapped out of his thoughts as Niki ran by. His favorite person in the world.

She was the definition of supportive, she also did school together with Quackity. Karl had been begging his mom to let him go as well, Niki promised she would help convince.

“Niki!” Karl yelled and her gaze immediately turned to the other “Karl! I haven’t seen you in weeks” She ran up to Karl with a smile, with her strawberry dress and flower crown, her hair was pink, a common color in the naturous hairs. Karl once had it too, but his feelings weren’t bright enough to hold the color.

That happened sometimes, emotions would take over and remove the positive. 

Niki was one of his best friends, even though they didn’t speak as often as they used to; she had school and Karl had nothing to do in the meantime. Her dress flowed with the wind “I was looking for you!” She happily stated and her smile grew larger.

“I have to show you something i learned” NIki turned around and she glanced at a dead flower on the ground, the flower's energy was horrible, it irritated both Niki and Karl since they had the ability to feel plants' emotions. She placed her hands delicately on the pettle and a green flicker swarmed the plant.

The plant slowly but surely came back to life in front of Karl’s eyes. “Impressive” he muttered and Niki turned her head again “I know right! I’m a genius” She giggled and Karl returned the mood.

She suddenly changed her facial expression completely, her eyes flickered another color “KARL DID YOU GET THE LETTER?” She almost intimidated all the animals to leave, from her excitement. Karl was confused “Huh? what letter?” he questioned and Niki immediately felt disappointment.

“Oh my god Quackity, that idiot!” she muttered under her breath. Quackity forgot to give him the letter “KARL YOU ARE GOING TO COLLEGE, like the same one as me and Quackity, we convinced your mom to pay for it after she saw how miserable you are” Her body jumped because she was so thrilled.

Karl was speechless.

Did his dreams just come true? Would he finally have normal friends?

All questions soon to be answered. One boy in particular would change his life heavily... he had no idea about that fact yet.


Hope you enjoyed.

Have a great day - Aries

1284 words.

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