Fifteen, infatuation

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Welcome back :)

Karl pov

I imagined this skipping of school to be so much more fun that it is right now. We are sitting on a  bench, Sapnap is showing me the beauty of nature. I do love forest, indeed, I live in one. But right now all I cared about was far from a forest.


He's looking, at some animals. He clearly doesn't know what the birds are saying, cause they are literally talking about how ugly they think crows are. I giggle by accident and Sapnap turns to me. "You know, my parents always had dead plants in my house when I grew up" he chuckles, but I don't understand why this is.

He looks at the forest again, I can see how his eyes glare, I'm interested in his glassy eyes. "Do you have an idea why?" I ask, he doesn't say anything for a while, his mind runs.

He lets out a deep sigh "it relaxed my mom, she didn't know why herself, my dad liked nature dead" Sapnap muttered. Sadness lingered inside me, why? I've never heard of anything like this before, dead plants wasn't a sight I liked to think about at all.

"I always thought it was weird, I sneaked out to look at the forest, my dad thought nature was useless" he continues. Sapnap quickly flicks his head to glance at me again, I smile and he does a little wide smile back. "Forests aren't useless, they are life" I say. He agreed immediately.

After more silence he talks about a bird specie, o act like I know nothing about it but I liked that someone out there who wasn't a nature folk knew information about the forest. Then it's quiet again, we weren't good at conversations.

The chirping was heard and suddenly I felt something comforting around my hand, a firm hand was on mine. He didn't look at me, just straight, but straight was probably the farthest away from what was happening right now. After a while I pressed his hand too and we were holding hands.

It felt nice and peaceful. My cheeks turn pink from just thinking about this, I was holding hands with a guy, a pretty boy. He finally turns to me and he's awkward, he probably wasn't used to it. George told me about his ex the other day and how crazy she was, I couldn't imagine. My first relationship ended great and we even stayed friends.

Sapnaps finger rubs against the soft skin of my hand, it's relaxing. I find being around him infatuating, it's hard to stay away from him. It's been a few dozen minutes and I think now is the time to leave but I don't move.

I get the courage to finally let go. He takes his hand back to his body and stares down at the ground. I stand up and he follows.

"We should skip more often, that class is so boring" I say to dampen the tension, it'll hopefully tone it down. "Oh trust me it's more boring when you've had it for longer" he rolls his eyes and I laugh. "Understandable"

"Why are you even in it in the first place?" I ask and maybe I over stepped, that wasn't appropriate to ask him when we had barely talked, we did see each other around, he was often at George's place. He liked making fun of their relationship. I think he's just jealous they are happy and he's not. Not to assume.

He says some sounds that are hesitation leaning "I promise you it sounds worse than it is" he sways to one side and stands on a leg, it sounds funny but looks normal. "It's some aggression, I used to get in a lot of fights, just that" I think it's more than just that but I get that he does not wanna open up about his whole life right now, I've already seen him cry that once in school before, I didn't need more.

I liked that he told me I was always there when he needed it, like I felt when he was sad, and I agree, I kind of can feel it, like I can feel his anticipation right now, he's waiting for something. Maybe that I leave first, or he does? I'm clueless.

I like his clothes today, I like his hair today, it's messier than normal. He's like shining gold, an angel, an angel in black clothes and raven hair, and has aggression problems. He's maybe the total opposite. He looks at me and I just realised he might of noticed what I just did was checking him out, I always heard that in high-school movies, since I never got to experience high school myself I hoped the movies were at least a little realistic and I used the right term.

Maybe he wants to hold my hand again? I'm kinda hoping he does, it's weird feeling what I just felt and I want to know if it's right, does it feel like we fit.

I don't think, my mind goes blank. I kiss Sapnap. He finds it unexpected and isn't ready, it takes him a few seconds to process before he kisses back. He holds my long sleeve with his hand, it's wrapped around.

His other hand is on my hip and it feels better than I wanted it too, I just wanted to try it and now it's addicting, now I want it again. I pull away and he looks starstruck, like a lightning hit him, his eyes were wide.

I run, and I regret. But something holds on to me. "Can I have your number, so we can text?" He questions and maybe what I did was right. I take his phone and set my name as 'Karl :)' he smiles when seeing it, I put my number in his phone mostly because I didn't wanna be the one that texts first, I'm way too introverted for that.

He smiles and I almost kiss him again, I resist and run as fast as I can away from him "little athlete huh?!" Sapnap yells and I get flustered, that's embarrassing but I know he means it as a joke. :)

1042 words

It's Aries the lazy writer again, I've been writing this for like 8 months and now they finally actually kissed. The story isn't finished but it's a start. I didn't read this chapter through so sorry for mistakes.

I've been busy writing and reading. I read 5 books in February which I was quite proud of. I've even found a couple new fav books:)

It's also my birthday soon.!

Anyways have a great day or night everyone <3

- Aries

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