Aomine Daiki's Birthday (August 31)

Start from the beginning

"If Mukkun doesn't eat them all on sight."

"He wouldn't dare."

They giggled.

"But, no, I think I'm all set. Thanks, Ai-chan. Can't wait to see you!"

"Me either. See you soon, Satsuki." Ai smiled and ended the call.


(August 29)
On the ride back
to Akashi's mansion

Ai and Akashi rode together in the back seat of his car, the day after the game as Team Vorpal Swords. They were on the way back from the cemetery after paying respects to his mother's grave.

Akashi made small talk with her, which was relieving after yesterday and today's events. "Are you getting something for Aomine before you leave? Would you like to go shopping?"

"Satsuki gave me a little suggestion when I called her before. I already got a new basketball for his present." She clicked her phone off and put it face-down in her lap. She had been looking at recipes while her boyfriend had been quiet. "But, I thought I'd bake him and Atsu-kun something, too. If that's okay."

"Of course it is. What are you making?"

"What would you like me to make?"

Akashi tilted his head a centimeter, posing a question to which he had a feeling he already knew the answer. "You're asking me?"

Ai lifted the corners of her lips. "I'd appreciate your opinion. I can make some for us, too."

Her boyfriend hummed, facing forward in thought. His maroon irises sparkled when they caught the light from the window beside him. The scenery blurred past, mostly the tops of buildings and streets below, obscured by intervals of concrete walls lining the highway. "I'd be happy with anything you make."

She made a face at him. "Seijuro. That's not an answer."

"It's my honest response." He reached for her hand and kissed the back of her fingers.

She huffed out a breath, holding his hand now. "Well, then... How about cookies? Shortbread or snickerdoodles?"


"You've never had them before?"

He turned his head. "I don't think I have."

"They have cinnamon in them, and they're chewy. I thought you would have, at least once. Maybe around the winter holidays?"

"Hmm..." He didn't seem to recall this particular type of cookie. "Perhaps I'll remember when I see them."

She smiled. "I guess they're not common in Japan." She looked down and stared at their joined hands, perched on the tan leather middle seat. She rubbed her thumb over his knuckles, inquiring quietly, "Would it be okay if I borrowed your kitchen and used your ingredients?"

He made the lightest tug on her hand so she'd meet his gaze. "You can bake as much as your heart desires and use whatever you need."

Hopefully, the shadows in the car made her blush imperceptible. She fixed her gaze on the uninteresting middle console of the luxury vehicle. All she managed in her bashfulness was a squeeze of his hand in reply.
"... One for Daiki-kun, and maybe two... No, three batches for Atsu-kun. That way, he can share it with Yōsen's team when he goes back to Akita," she thought aloud. "And, some for us, too."

"Let me know how I can help."

Her eyes flickered to his. How could he make such a tender expression? It wasn't fair. "You could help me navigate around your kitchen. Teach me where you keep your bowls and mixers."

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