Momoi Satsuki's Birthday (May 4)

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Friday night on the 4th of May, Ai called one of her best friends to wish her a happy birthday. They caught up on the latest, and she listened happily to how Aomine was practicing all of the time.

From their second-year on, Momoi and Ai had worked as a pair. They were the group leaders among the other basketball managers of the second and third strings, and they always worked side by side. The girls were joined at the hip, and they shared a special bond that the male athletes couldn't relate to or understand. The players often admired how well they worked together and how in sync their actions were. It was something the Generation of Miracles didn't have: teamwork.

Because Ai had been there with her, Momoi wasn't as lonely when Aomine began to grow distant from everyone else. She also had a friend to hang out with; no matter how much they wished, the two girls were different from the sports players. Ai joined Momoi in her shopping splurges and went to the convenience store with her for idle chats. They made many happy memories together, even as the team grew apart.

Momoi thanked her for the hair accessories that had arrived on her doorstep, the ones Ai had chosen to send as a present. The volleyball manager asked about her relationship with Kuroko, to which she responded excitedly about a present she'd gotten from him. Ai also told the manager who remained in Tokyo that Nekoma High School was coming to play volleyball against her team, and she kindly showed enthusiasm. Their call lasted until midnight when the date changed, and they said their goodnights.


Fun Fact:

May 4th is also Shirabu Kenjirō's birthday!
But none of them have met Shiratorizawa's team yet. :)


(Please ignore my ignorance for the Haikyuu manga spoilers 🙇‍♀️)

If Haikyuu had a Generation of Miracles, who would it consist of???

(Members have to be in the same grade, but they can be from different schools. There can also be more than six, and they don't have to be able to form a proper team, with specific positions.)
(For example, there could be an entire team of setters, but Oikawa and Kageyama are not in the same Generation/grade.)
(No spoilers, please!)

Total Word Count: 385

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