I looked through his photos to see how he looks. He was a typical road boy with Gucci hats and all sorts. Pictures of him smoking and stacking up money.

From that, I didn't trust him.

How does he even know I'm looking for Jerome?

Like I'm not looking for him but I wanna catch him slipping so I can hurt him.

But the main question is, how does he know I want Jerome? And how does he know about me?

Oh, I forgot that I'm bait. But still how does he know I want Jerome?


Just seeing that comment made me log off Twitter and turn off the laptop.

It just put me off.


I was at Southbank walking towards Keelan, Valentino, Lamar, Blaze and three other boys; Reece, Kayden and Josh.

"Your look swarv, my g", says Kayden whilst spudding me. "Thanks. You all do", I said complimenting them all.

They thanked me back.

I was wearing blue all star Adidas trainers, with a thin white long sleeve and light grey jeans. Also, wearing my grey jeans jacket that matched with my jeans with a silver chain around my neck.

Not forgetting I sprayed Hugo Boss perfume on me so many times.

I'm obsessed with that Perfume.

"Come you man, let's go", says Kayden waving over to us to keep it moving.

Then we made our way to Greenwich.

We walked into the apartment, went into elevator to go on the 4th floor. As we landed on the 4th floor. The hallway was packed with girls, girls, girls and girls.

Different girls everywhere.

"Aye, look at you dickheads", greeted Alex. Making us all laugh.

Alex is so bait. Everybody knows who he is. This typical light skin youte with a typical light skin behaviour. Mostly bait over his looks.

"Wagwarn Mr baity", says Reece. "All good, big man", says Alex smiling. "C'mon in, c'mon in", says Alex waving his hand to come in his house.

As we stepped inside, bare man clustered everywhere in the hallway. At least 25 boys in here.

Alex's house is quiet large.

I don't understand how the girls are outside rather than inside. It should be the other way round.

I knew them all, because of Instagram and Twitter.

As I was greeting the mandem, they all called me Mr Gyalis.

You should know the reason why.

Anyway time went pass to 11:45pm and I saw Leah walked in with two other girls.

I was parched to see her here.

I walked over to her straight before any of the mandem could talk to her.

"Never knew you come parties", I said to Leah smiling walking from behind her.

She was surprised seeing me too.

"Keiran! How you know Alex?", she asked me. "Everybody knows Alex babe. Are you forgetting he's bait?", I responded back to Leah with a question.

She didn't answer my question.

She hugged tightly and whispered in my ears saying don't call her babe.

You know giving the little attitude.

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