: chapter 58

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Hello! Before I start this Chapter, some are messaging me to do more fanfiction for TXT and I would like to say that I won't write any TXT fanfiction after this because I am currently working on two fanfictions.

Which is BTS Jungkook's fanfiction and STRAYKIDS Hyunjin's fanfiction. So, after those two fanfiction, I might do another fanfiction for TXT :) hope y'all understand and PLEASE DON'T read Jungkook's fanfiction if you have traumas about harassment and you've been hurt verbally or physically. PLEASE! 🤧 I will be writing that fanfiction a bit dark and deep. So, I hope you would understand that. Thank you.

That's all.


With you baggage. You went inside the said room in staycation and it was a bit far from your home. It was 5 hours away and you just want some time for yourself because of what just happened in Seoul. You kinda want spent some time in Busan and leave people around, for the mean time.

Without any notice, you left Seoul after having a fight with Yeonjun. You lay down in bed and your phone buzzed, it was a message from unknown number.

You open the message and it was a picture of Yeonjun and Karina in a hotel. He was wearing the same suit when you left him. Tears stream down your face and let yourself cry even more.

"How can you do this to me..." you said while looking at the picture, you sat down and let out a big sigh before wiping your tears, "I trusted you a lot, Yeonjun..." you turn off your phone.

You know it was one of Karina's plan but to the fact that Yeonjun was always tagging along around Karina makes you feel more confused. You were a bit convinced that he might be doing something behind your back.

With many things going through your mind. You once let out a big sigh and went to the bathroom to take a bath. You left Seoul without eating a breakfast, but now, you feel a bit hungry.

After taking a bath, you wore your pretty dress and put some light makeup on your face. You also did beach wavy curls on your hair. You looked at the mirror and tells yourself pretty but you feel unsatisfied.

You were feeling heavy inside and just trying to make yourself feel more better. You scanned yourself once again at the mirror and you feel more and more ugly. You're slowly questioning your worth and if Yeonjun was really cheating on you or not.

You left a big sigh after leaving the bathroom. You grabbed your mini bag, put your phone inside, the room's card key and your wallet. You went outside and while walking at the Hallway. A familiar figure popped out from one of the room.


After you called the name, he turn back and looks at you with surprised on his face, "Y/N? What are you doing in here?"

"I was about to ask you that"

"Oh, I was here since yesterday because my parents had their 50th Wedding Anniversary and they left Busan already, but I planned to stay more here before I leave"


As he nod, "Oh! I will be leaving for the mean time and I'm going to America" he said and smile.

"Really?" he nod, "How about your café? It was going well though"

"Oh, I'll let my Parents handle it for me because I want to stay in America for the mean time"

"Oh I see"

"What about you? What are you doing here?" he looks at you and snap his finger, "Oh! You're with your Boyfriend!!?" he said excitingly.

You look at him with a slight smile, "No..." you sigh, "I left Seoul without them knowing"

He was a bit worried and surprised at the same time. He noticed that you feel down and doesn't want to ask more, "Should we eat together? I was on my way to eat"

"Sure" you slightly smile.

He smile at you and nod, as you walk together.

You left the Hotel and went near beach then look for the place where you both cna eat. After a bit long walk along the beach, you both choose a perfect place to eat. You both ordered your foods and waited.

"This will be mine" Hyunjin said, "The expenses will be mine. Think it as a treat for you before I leave" he said and smile.

You nod, "T-Thank you"

He just smile.

A silence filled the interaction between you two, as he speak, "so... what are you doing in here?"

"just... self time and Yeonjun knows" you lied, "He knows I'm stressed out and wants me to have fun"

'Weird... she just said an hour ago that nobody knows that she's here...' Hyunjin thought himself.

"And why you're alone? Aren't you supposed to go with him?"

'Right... confused her more, Hyunjin' he said to himself.

You were a bit surprised by his question, "Uhm... his Grandmother will be coming home tomorrow, so he needs to be there and besides... i won't be staying here that long"

Hyunjin nod, "Okay"

The food was served, as you both dig in. You were stealing a glance at Hyunjin who's quietly eating his food.

Is this even right? I'm eating with Hyunjin without even telling to Yeonjun...

You thought yourself.

Hyunjin looks at you and you quickly look away, "I am uncomfortable if you will be staring at me for that long while I'm eating"

"I-I did notㅡ I am not staring at you" as you rolled your eyes.

He smile at you, almost his eyes were disappearing because he was smiling too much, as he laugh, "I caught you staring at me though? What about it?"

You shook your head, "Nothing~"

"Was it Yeonjun? Because he doesn't know that you were eating with a guy friend?"

You slightly nod.

He smile once again at you, "That's fine! Its not like you're cheating... but... I guess its more better if you'll tell him about it"

"Okay, I will" you said and he nod.

You were both happily digging in to foods and having some small talks. You were having fun, as you forgot about what happened this morning.


A familiar voice calls you, as you look back.

「 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙙𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 」txt yeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now