: chapter 38

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Sona left the room since she was done unpacking and you was left with Yeonjun and your Dad.

"Can you guys tell me exactly if what is happening right now?" your Dad asked and sat on Sona's bed, "Like... I'm really confused right now..."

"Uhm... well Sirㅡ"

"Dad" he smile, "call me Dad" he said to Yeonjun.

Yeonjun was a bit in shock and so does you, "D-Dad... uhm... w-well, there was this girl a long time ago and my bestfriend, Wooyoung loves her so much that he can do everything and anything for her but that girl likes me... he did everything to make her like him but she never did. We were in good terms, not until he got mad and jealous and he know that I have no feelings for her but he was really jealous and with that, we are now great enemies. He make her suffer instead of me because he wants him to show her if what she can get for not liking him back"

"That was a force love..." your Dad said and very immersed to the story.

Yeonjun nod, "It is... so, right now, he comes back to take revenge to me after knowing that I am in relationship with Y/N. Sir, I feel so sorry that I was the reason of this and I am sorry that because of me Y/N is in trouble... but I really can't promise you that I will end my relationship with her just because of this... I am determined to do everything and risk everything for Y/N, Sir... her Mom and Brother might hate me after knowing this and so does you Sir... but I will never let Y/N go... that's how much I love her" with sincerity, he held your hand tightly and not breaking an eye contact to your Dad.

Your Dad smile and sigh before crossing his arms, "Well... first off, I really hate it... I hate the fact that you were calling me Sir instead of Dad" he joked and both of you and Yeonjun laughed, "Second..." he sigh and you two became serious, "Yeonjun... I really hate the fact that you are the reason why she's in trouble but who am I to blame you? Well, you did nothing or anything bad but your ex-friend was just crazy for doing this. Also, who am I to prevent this relationship? if you make my daughter happy then I will never prevent this relationship because she deserves it. It was the happiness that I wasn't able to give her and I am thankful that someone like you, at least, full-filled it" he said and smile.

'You make me happy too, Dad... very...much... I feel happy that you are finally here with us, with me. I feel happy that you were back'

"No problem, Sirㅡ I mean Dad... I'm pretty sure Y/N is more happier that you are back" Yeonjun cluelessly said, without knowing the story and the atmosphere gets awkward. Yeonjun reads the mood and he knew that he did something wrong, he felt more awkward rather the two of you.

Your Dad fakely cough, "Well, uhm... by the way, if you wanna eat just come downstairs" he said and stood up.

He was leaving as you speak when he was near at the door, "D-Dad... I am..." he looks at you with confusion, "I am" you said and smile, "I am happy that you're back and I am happy that you are finally here... cause I missed you and I love you" you said.

He smile and tears automatically stream down his face and walk closer to you while opening his arms to hug you.

He hugged you really tight, "You don't know how much you make me happy, Y/N... the words you just said was really meaningful to me and it was the best word I heard in my life"

You smile.

"I love you, honey" he said and kissed your forehead before wiping his tears, "I was too happy right now... I'm sorry if I cried..."

"No worries, Dad..."

"Thank you for those words Y/N... I'm sorry to all what I did to you guys..."

「 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙙𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 」txt yeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now