: chapter 45

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Hi, I got announcement to make before starting this chapter. I just make a really simple and short trailer for this story. You can check them out on YouTube just by clicking the link of the video on the upper part.

Yes, I make the trailer really late but I still hope that you would like it and you can check my channel and other videos on it.

BY THE WAY, those who start reading this story earlier than the Wattpad Trailer. There was a spoiler on that trailer hehe so, if you want, you can check them out! Hihi

Thank you so much xx


Yeonjun was still dumbfounded on what just happened to the both of you. He went home with sadness on his face and dried tears from his eyes. He knew that you may be just confused and were stressed out to the things that just happened but it somehow bothers him that you breakup with him.

"Yeonjun, are you okay?" his Mom asked him just from the moment he went in.

He looked at her with sadness and he can't stop himself by breaking down. He cry it all out and his Mom hugged him with full of worries.

"Are you okay? What is wrong?"

He just cried.

"You can tell to Mommy if there is something wrong with you and what's going on" she said while trying to calm him down.

"She breakup with me... Y/N breakup with me... I don't understand why she did that... but she was so unfair..." he said and still cry.

He can't stop breaking down.

"Yeonjun..." his Mom was surprised, "Maybe she was having too much lately and her Dad is still at the Hospital... maybe she just need a break... don't worry too much... everything will be fine... maybe she need some time alone"

"She can just tell me that and I can give her space and time alone but she doesn't need to breakup with me"

"Let her be, for the mean time..." his Mom said and calm him down, "Go to your room and get some rest... I'll make dinner for you"

He wiped his tears, "I don't wanna eat..."

"No, you will eat whether you like it or not..." she said and feeling worried.

She went to Yeonjun's room as well and accompany him for some couple of minutes before leaving him when he fall asleep. She stare at him with full of sadness and worries.

"Y/N must be having really hard time right now, Sweetheart... she may be feel suffocated..." she said to sleeping Yeonjun, "She will come back to you and I can tell that..." she smile bitterly, "You both promised that to each other" she said.

She left him while he's asleep.

She went to the kitchen and prepare some simple dinner for Yeonjun to cheer him up. She was still flustered to witness him breaking down like that because he was a son who don't show his weakness to his parents and seeing him breaking like that makes her feel bad.

Not a long after his Dad came.

She deep sigh while cutting the onions, "What's with those deep sigh?" her Husband asked.

「 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙙𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 」txt yeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now