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Hello, I just want to write down some reminders about this story. First of all, I wanted to thank everyone who read this story and liking the plot. I really appreciate your comments and reactions in which, it gives me motivation to write the story more.

I just write my concern this time. I would like to make things clear, so that not everyone would be bothered or offended. For the first time I wrote this story, it was written to be as fanfiction in which, it was a fiction story for fans. I don't necessarily or meant to harm any idols on this story and since I am adult and in right age, I personally would like to add some spice scene on this story and believed it or not? I contemplated a lot whether I write a smut chapter or not since there may be a younger readers who will read my story but I also claimed on the description and information that this story has a mature scene that wouldn't be suit to people who can't bare to read those scenes. So, it is something that doesn't make me careless since I remind everybody about it before continuing on writing more chapters. By the word itself, Fiction. It was a story made by plot and not a true story and it doesn't involved the real personality of every idols or person mentioned on every story. It was literally just like using them to portray a character from a story. It doesn't mean that the character of the idol on this story is their real personality. It is just a portrayal story made from a plot and scenarios.

Again, I would like to apologized for those who might be offended or bothered on some chapters but I would also like the readers to understand that this is not made to harm any idols or tend to hate them in person. If you hated them through the story, it is because you hated the character that they portray and it doesn't mean that you really hate the idol ans since they are just made of portrayal character and every behavior, scenario and situations in every chapter is not real and it is just made of fiction. The whole story and plot of this story is just a fiction. There are no such real scenarios written here, it is just all from the plots that I came up with. I would really appreciated it more if you would finish reading this story with great feedback and no hard feelings towards the idols. ( You can hate the behavior and characters that they portray but not the idols in real life )

I know many of you already knew about this and what fanfiction is for. But I wrote this concern to those people who might be a bit overboard and offended on the chapters. I write this for the fans and for the readers to enjoy the plot and not to built a fanwar. I am multi-fandom and I support many idols since when I was young, I didn't meant to harm them or any of the idols on my stories. But then again, if you feel offended, I understand and still I wanted to thank you for reading my story.

And for those who keeps supporting this story and giving such a great reactions. I would also like to thank you and for giving reaction towards the character that the idol portrays. I hope you would like the remaining couple chapters that will be publish soon. Thank you.

Also, I really accept your concerns with full of respect and I understand it. Just be polite on sending some concerns and don't use vulgar words that could offend people.

Be wise on choosing your words before telling something to someone because we may not know if it could harm them or not.

Always tell your concerns or complains politely and with respect. This is to avoid any unnecessary and unpleasant conflicts that we may or may not regret in the future.

Thank you, my dear readers.

「 𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙖𝙡 𝙙𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮 」txt yeonjunWhere stories live. Discover now