・☆《Part One》☆・

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Renna checked her makeup in her rear-view mirror before stepping out of the car. She wore a light pink dress that rested above her knees. The top of it fitted to her chest, flaring out at her waist. Her favourite pink heels matched perfectly which she had been excited about while strapping them up. She loved the short, thick heel that reduced the risk of an ankle roll, and the comfort of them.

Her light brown hair was styled in a simple half-up half-down style, the ends curled and the bottom half resting on her shoulders. She kept her make-up simple. A light, shimmery eyeshadow. Thin eyeliner. A bit of blush. And enough foundation and concealer to cover the freckles over her nose.

She grabbed her white handbag from the car and made her way up to Levi's apartment, locking the car as she walked.

While in the elevator, she checked her reflection one more time in the silver walls, and smiled to herself. She had been looking forward to this date since Levi planned it a week ago.

She had to restrain herself from skipping down the hallway to his door, and gave herself a few seconds to calm her excitement before knocking.

"It's open!" she heard from the other side.

Pushing the door open, she stepped into the darkened room. The blackout curtains blocked out the golden light from the setting sun. Two lamps set up in two opposite corners illuminated the small living area with a dull, warm light, while the TV projected a white light across the room. Renna had to squint to look at it; the brightness hurting her eyes.

Sat on the three-seater couch in front of the large TV, Renna recognised Levi's fluffy black hair. Jensen's head beside him looked almost the same in the dark, but the TV light gave away the bright ocean blue colour of his hair.

From the back and in the dark, it's hard to tell but she was sure Levi still had yet to get ready. She sighed to herself, losing the excitement she possessed moments ago.

"Bro, quick," Jensen said. "Come back and heal me."

"Alright. On my way," Levi replied, oblivious to the disappointed girl behind him.

Renna stepped closer to stand behind him. "Levi."

He looked over his shoulder at her for just a second before turning his attention back to the game being played.

It showed two characters, the screen split in the middle. The character on the right laid on the ground, curled up, with the words 'waiting to be revived' beneath him.

"Hey baby," Levi said without another glance back. "What are you—" He cut himself off, looking back with wide eyes. "Shit! I'm so sorry. I'll get ready right now." Jumping up, he dropped the controller onto the couch and dashed towards his bedroom. "I'll be quick. Wait there."

A tiny smile played on her lips. At least I didn't have to tell him, she thought.

"Bro," said Jensen, throwing his arms up as he watched his roommate leave. "I'm dying." He looked back at the screen. "And now you're dying." As he reached for Levi's controller, the character collapsed to the floor and the game-over screen popped up. He dropped his arms in defeat. "And... we're dead." Turning to look at Renna, he said, "Thanks for that."

She rolled her eyes. "It wasn't my fault."

"Whatever," he mumbled, finding his way to the main menu. She watched him flick through options, selecting and changing things.

She hadn't liked him too much since the first time she met him two weeks prior. Levi introduced them both when Jensen tagged along to their bowling date so they could finally meet.

Renna thought she had been as nice as she could have been the entire time, but when Jensen ran to the bathroom, Levi let her know that Jensen hadn't liked her much. She didn't know what she could have done different. To her, it seemed as though they were getting along.

But Levi told her, "During your turn, he leaned over and whispered that I could do better than you and that you're kind of annoying."

It hurt her. Levi comforted her, saying, "I don't think that. You're so hot and amazing. Don't bother about him. He doesn't know what he's talking about." Her heart warmed with his words.

Since then, he treated her like dirt on his shoe. Or more like a fly that keeps circling his head. Bothersome. Refusing to go away. Always there. Pestering. Unwanted.

But Levi was her boyfriend, and it had nothing to do with Jensen, so she did her best to ignore him and his snide remarks.

"Jensen!" Levi called from the room. "What did you do with my leather jacket?!"

"I didn't touch it. Use your eyes and look for it." He selected single player mode and started a new game.

"That's helpful. Where is it?" Renna caught sight of Levi switching between rooms.

"I seriously don't know, man."

Levi returned seconds later, pulling the jacket on. He had calmed his wild hair as much as he could in the short amount of time. Under the blacker leather jacket, he wore a plain white t-shirt with black jeans and nice brown dress shoes. He kept on his black jewellery but it all matched perfectly. Two necklaces. One with a cross and the other with triangle, arrow head thing. His ear piercings. Two in one ear. Three in the other. His lip ring. And his silver and black rings.

He's very handsome, Renna thought to herself. If the annoying roommate hadn't been there, she might have said it out loud, but for now, she decided to keep it to herself.

"You've been dating her a month," Jensen said while fighting some zombie or something, "and you're already ditching your friend for her."

"Maybe if you had a beautiful girl to go on a date with, you would pick her too."

Renna turned away, grinning and blushing like an idiot. Warmth surrounded her heart.

"Shall we?" Levi asked, holding out his arm to her.

She took his arm. "Of course."

As they left the apartment, before they shut the door, they heard Jensen make a fake throw-up sound.

As they left the apartment, before they shut the door, they heard Jensen make a fake throw-up sound

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