Chapter 13: Tangled

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On the other side of the forest we hear a pounding coming from inside something that looks like a sewer.

We see Dream hiding behind a rock waiting for whoever is inside to emerge.

The red haired twins emerge coughing up water.

"I'm gonna kill Underscore when I find him. I'm gonna kill him." Sideburns said mad.

"Let's go find him. Get back the crown." He said to his brother.

The two started walking in a random direction.

"Gentlemen, let's not act so hastily and think for a moment." They heard a voice turning to see a man in a green hood with a porcelain white mask.

The unknown man had Underscores satchel so the twins drew their swords.

"Oh no need for those if you want it all so bad it's yours." The man said tossing the satchel to the twins.

The twins quickly opened the satchel to see the crown still inside.

"Well if that's all you need then be on your way," the man started turning around.

"I was going to offer you something worth one thousand crowns, that would make you rich beyond your wildest dreams, and that's not even the best part." The man said starting to walk away.

"What's the best part?" Sideburns asked.

"It comes with revenge on Tubbo Underscore." The man said holding up a deformed wanted poster of the thief.

The twins smiled wicked smiles if you could even call them that.

They agreed to what the man said and they started following him.

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