Chapter 9: Tangled

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"And there it is Las Nevadas. Home to the best food ever." Tubbo said gesturing to the restaurant that had a duck on a gambling coin as it's sign.

"Oh looks cozy." Tommy said in response.

"Well we don't want you to get scared and give up now do we." Tubbo said pulling Tommy along.

"Quackity your finest table please." Tubbo said slamming open the door.

Tommy was surprised the whole restaurant was filled with men all of them did not look like good people.

"You smell that. That's the smell of men." Tubbo said to the blonde.

"What's with the rope?" A guy with dual colored sunglasses asked.

"Oh he just likes carrying it around." Tubbo responded.

Tommy was not having it. He had the rope pulled close and the frying pan held up in defense.

"You don't look so good blondie." Tubbo said getting closer to Tommy.

"This is the finest establishment in the whole empire and if you can't handle this I think we should just get you back to your tower." Tubbo said moving Tommy and himself towards the door.

"Is this you?" A guy with ram horns and a beard asked.

Tubbo uncovered the wanted poster to see it showing him bald.

"Oh now that's just rude." Tubbo said looking away.

"That's him alright." The dual sunglasses guy said.

"Hey Punz go get the guards." Ram guy said to a male in a white hoodie. The male, Punz, ran out of the pub.

"The money could help me find my son." Ram guy said.

"No I'll use it to get into the royal guard." Dual sunglasses said, pulling Tubbo closer to himself.

"This is my pub I get to decide who gets the money and what they get to do with it." The guy behind the bar said. He had raven black hair and golden wings that looked like duck wings.

Soon enough everyone was trying to pull Tubbo to themselves which scared Tommy, he needs Tubbo to see the lanterns.

Then he had an idea. It was a stupid idea and he knew it, but he needed Tubbo to take him to the lanterns.

Tommy took the rope he had and made a loop. He has never tried this before so he doesn't know if it'll work.

He throws the looped rope and it wraps around the duck hybrid.

"ENOUGH! I don't care why you want Tubbo or what you want to do with him. I need him to take me to see the lanterns. It's been my dream for as long as I can remember. Prime have some decency." Tommy yelled as he pulled the raven haired man towards him.

Everyone stopped and turned to the two.

The duck hybrid looked mad.

"You're right I'm sorry." He said. The whole pub looked at him in surprise.

"I'm Alex by the way. Most people call me Quackity." The duck hybrid continued.

"Tommy." Tommy introduced

"Well Tommy I have had a dream." Quackity said.

"What is it?" Tommy asked.

"To build a safe place to live." Quackity answered.

"I'm Shlatt Smith, my dream it to find my lost son." The guy with ram horns said.

"Jack Manifold and I want to join the royal guard." Dual sunglasses said.

Everyone went around telling their dream until it stopped at Tubbo.

"What's your dream?" Quackity asked looking at him.

"To help my friend." Tubbo said keeping it short and sweet.

Punz broke through the door.

"I found the guards and princes." He said excited.

Tubbo pulled Tommy behind the bar.

"Where is he?" The monotone voice of Prince Technoblade asked.

"Techno don't be rude." Prince Wilbur said coming in behind his brother.

Behind the two princes where the twins Tubbo was with that morning.

A hand touched Tubbo.

"Shh let's go." Quackity said moving down the bar.

He pushed a lever and it opened a passageway.

"Go live your dreams. The passage will take you outside." He said pushing them forward.

"Thank you." Tommy said quickly following Tubbo out.

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