Chapter 3: Tangled

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The brunette and a pair of twins were running across the palace roof.

"You know boys. I want a castle." The brunette said to them.

"You can buy your own castle after this job." The one with the big sideburns said.

"Ugh fine." The boy said getting tied up and lowered into the vault.

At that moment a guard sneezed.

"Ugh hay fever??" The boy smirked as he was pulled up.

"Yup." The guard did a double take. "HEY WAIT!!!"

The three males were running getting chased by guards.

"Wow boys amazing work. All the things we have seen and it's only eight in the morning." The brunette said running faster.

The males stopped for a moment.

"Oh no. Oh no no no." The brunette rambled.

"What's wrong??" Sideburns questioned.

"They just can't get my hair right." He responded.

"What??" Sideburns was unimpressed.

"I mean look at you guys. You look amazing." The brunette said in disbelief.

The guards come in on horseback.

The three males start running, jumping and dodging, avoiding arrows and the guards.

All too soon they came across a cliff.

"Ok you give me a boost and I'll pull you up." The brunette said to the twins.

"Give us the satchel first." Sideburns said.

"You- after all this time you still don't trust me??" The brunette said. The twins stared at him. "Fine." He handed them his satchel. And they lifted him up.

"Ok underscore now help us up pretty boy." Sideburns said.

"I'm sorry boys, but my hands are full." He said raising the satchel.

"Huh what." The twins looked confused as the guards surrounded them and the brunette disappeared. "TUBBO!!!"

The brunette, Tubbo, was still running, the captain of the guards and wait was that?? Oh god the twin princes.

Tubbo ran faster. Right now the twins looked furious. Normally they were fine when Tubbo stole because they knew of his problems, but this time it's worse.

"Get back here Tubbo you know what that crown means to us!" The brunette prince, Wilbur said. And he did. He wasn't old enough to remember but as he's been growing up he had learned about the lost prince that was still missing.

He felt bad for a moment but that was just a moment. He needed this crown. He needed the money. He would have told the princes why but he didn't want them to feel bad.

The reason he was doing this was because, on the princes and Tubbo's last excursion, his friend Ranboo had accidentally fallen in the water at the docks.

They escaped the princes but Ranboo was now really injured. Tubbo had heard of a man who called himself the healer, supposedly he had magic potions that could heal anything.

Tubbo had gone to this man but he said that Tubbo would need something valuable to pay for it. That's when he was approached with this job.

Tubbo didn't think of that he just ran he needed this. Ranboo needed this.

He just hoped the princes would forgive him.

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