The Girl On Ganymede

Start from the beginning

With a gentle smile, you sneak your way over past several guards talking to a few pilots you recognize. Luckily for you, it's a small transport vessel being loaded. You quickly tap on the panel in front of it, seeing that it departs to Earth in half an hour. You sneak to the back, where cargo is being loaded. There's only two workers, so sneaking past them should be easy. As soon as they turn their backs to help each other grab a large shipment, you rush inside, staying on the tips of your toes and sinking as far in the ship as you can.

"Alright, only five more to go," you hear a male worker say. Only a few seconds after he speaks, you notice the crate being pushed inside the ship. You hide behind a large box, sitting in the corner and getting as low as you can. You assume there's not many people assigned to this crew, but you don't question it. You simply let your eyes close. Now the adventure begins.


"Look what I found looting around the crates," a male voice says as you struggle to get out of his grasp. You didn't think they'd send a whole squad to search for stowaways. You never heard of ships doing that before, which is why you were caught so off guard when three men came at you. Due to your training in martial arts, you managed to knock out two out of the three, but with the third you weren't so lucky.

"Let me go!" you cry out, writhing in his grasp.

A tall man stands in front of you, giving you a scoff. "Y/N L/N? A stowaway? Wait until your daddy hears about this, you'll never be let out of the house again," he says, clicking his tongue. "Just fifteen minutes after take-off we find a straggler, and Jun-myeon is sick."

"He's sick, sir?" the muscular man holding you asks.

The other man, who you assume is the leader, lets out a low whistle. "Sick as hell."

"Should we go back, sir?"

He grunts at his subordinate. "We're getting paid to do a simple transport mission, not a heist. Having a guest and a sick man won't hurt us. We have a cell for her and medical supplies for him. Now throw her in a storage locker, she'll be comfortable there." Well...


~Unknown Time~

You float in 0g. This locker is the only part of the ship without artificial gravity. You're no engineer, so you have no idea how that works, but you don't really think about it. The only thing on you now is an ugly gray jumpsuit. Since they took the watch your mother gave you, you can't even figure out what time it is. From your counting you know it's been at least fifteen minutes. Your guess is around 22:10.

The locker is larger than what the average image of a 'locker' is. It has enough room to fit about three people, the door connecting right into the main corridor of the ship. Although you don't like the situation you're in, you can't help but admire how smoothly the Blackwell flies. Oh how you'd love to get your hands on a ship like this.

You open your eyes, looking at the door and floating over to it, resting your hand on the surface. You're not totally sure what it's made out of it, but the hinges look weak. The Blackwell must either be old (which it's not) or they've had a prisoner (or prisoners) before you who tried to escape.

You're about to try your own shot at it when you hear screaming. You freeze, eyes widening. Several screams sound off from what sounds like not too far away from you, followed by gunfire. After a whole minute of you staying still, staring at the door, the gunfire stops. The whole ship goes silent. "Send out a distress signal! Now!" a female calls out. Next there's loud, stomping footsteps.

Adrift ~Book 1 || •PJM• (Rewritten Edition) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now