Wet Hot American Bummer

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"Gentlemen" *Meow* "and gentlecat" Ava greets as she entered the bridge, Sara and Nyssa not far behind.

"Ooh, Director Sharpe. Joining us, are we?" John said, "Is that a problem?" Ava questioned. "Not for me, love" John smirked

"Good, because we are headed back to the '90s to infiltrate a place called Camp Ogawa" Sara said, "Oh, sneaking into a military facility, are we?" John asked, "Actually, it's a summer camp for kids" Sara corrected him.

"Oh, I loved summer camp. Everyone used to call me, Kid Counselor" Ray said cheerfully.
I hopped onto the console, lifting my paws at Ava, *meow* Signaling my want to be held. *Chuckle* Ava picked my up into her arms, petting my coat.

"Bet you took that as a compliment, too, didn't you, mate?" John chuckled, "Well, because of my leadership skill, obviously....Right? That's why" Ray said.

"Mm-hmm, yeah" We all nod, not wanting to hurt his feelings. "So, uh, any idea of what kind of foul beast we're up against, then?" John questioned.

"Well, based on...research Sara, Nyssa, and I have been doing, we could be looking for a swampy monster thing" Ava said. "According to the timeline, before the end of summer, several kids went missing, never to be seen again" Nyssa continued.

"Well, I happen to know a Swamp Thing. But then again, Maine is way too far North for that muppet" John said.

"Well, we used to use the buddy system to make sure everyone was safe. And this is where Nate would say, 'I'm your buddy' and we'd do a fist bump or a silly jig or-" Ray rambled.

"Well, we are shorthanded, so I need you to partner up with John" Sara ordered, "Oh, don't worry, dreamboat. I've had stranger bedfellows than you. But just so you know, I'm not one to get all gussied up for a gig, all right?" John said. "Tama, go help Z with the Shapeshifter" Sara said before leaving. *Meow!* Aye Aye Sara! I meowed out, hopping down from the console and happily made my way to the lab.


Charlie's screams and yelling can be heard through the monitors as Zari and I enjoy a whole box of donut together.
"Ms. Tomaz, the prisoner is growing quite unruly" Gideon said. "Tell her to knock herself out" Zari said as she takes a bite on the donut I  her hand. *crash* "Aw. I take that back" Zari whined as Charlie literally knocks herself out on the barrier.

"Damn it, not on my watch" Zari sighed as she turns off the barrier. Zari goes into the cage to check on Charlie, suddenly Charlie wake up and head buts zari, "Whoo! Ha ha!" Charlie laughs and locks Zari in the barrier. "Okay, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. It's just that you're wearing my friend's face, and it's a little unsettling, given your general demeanor. Look I didn't love it at first when I got here, but I found my place. You can too" Zari said. "Take a look in the mirror, sweetheart. It's not my face that should be unsettling. You're the one putting things in cages" Charlie laughed.
Turning around to exit the lab, I block her way by sitting in front of her. "Oi you cat get out the way will ya" Charlie said to me, "Yeah you might not want to do that" Zari sighed. "Or what?" Charlie laughed, turning around. "Or that" Zari said as Rory stand in front of Charlie, his gun pointed at her. Seeing as the situation has been resolved, I exit the lab and made my way to the bridge.

"Tama we need your help here" Ray said over the comms, "On my way" I replied.


"How are we going to find the kids with that dangly thing?" I heard Ray ask as I walk up to them. "You know, this ritual usually works best when someone isn't yammering in my ear hole" John huffed. "Well, you want to find the kids, we got to do it the old-fashioned way. Study their tracks. Oh hey Tama, could you track the scent of the missing kids?" He asked. "Of course, but I need a sample of their scent first to track them" I say.

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