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"I guess this means we're not going to Aruba" Mick said as we walk out of the waverider. I looked around to see dinosaurs, and a giant clock tower that definitely does not belong to where and when we are. One of the dinosaur charged at us, but before it could reach us a white portal opened and sent it back where it belonged.

From behind us, Rip comes out of a portal that looked similar to the device he gave me previously. "Welp, you really have buggered everything up this time" He said "No matter, as you can see my agents are already hard at work dealing with these anachronisms" "Anachronims?" The professor repeated "people, places, and things displaced from their native time periods. I told you, I was leaving to create an organization to replace the time masters"

"Fifteen minutes ago!" I exclaimed, "For you, forming the time bureau has been the work of the last five years of my life" He said. "I've gotten quite good st it I have to say" He said, visibly pleased with himself.

"You mean you have time agents at work in the Cretaceous period as we speak?" Gray asked "indeed, and throughout Los Angeles, making sure no one retains any memory of this unfortunate incident. Which is why, your services are no longer required" Rip said "whoa what?!" Jax exclaimed.

"It seems only fitting, since I was the one who brought this team together that I should be the one to disband it. So, on behalf of the time bureau, I hereby relief the legends from duty"


6 months later

After Rip disbanded the Legends, we all went seperate ways. And I went with Sara, currently she is working her shift at sink shower and stuff. I sat patiently on the top of my cat tower as I wait for Sara to come home.

*Bang* I heard the door open roughly, sounds of kissing and moaning became more audible as Sara and a tall attractive raven haired woman came in, not stopping their smooching as they head straight to Sara's bedroom. I hopped down from my tower and slinked over to my bed. This is going to be a looong night, I muttered to myself as I folded my ears in under my paws.
The morning came and I was woken up by the smell of sizzling bacon. Wha- how? Sara can't cook, I mean we've been surviving solely off of take out for the last months.

I rose from my bed to see the Raven haired woman in the kitchen, cooking. She looked over to me and smiled "Hello little one" *meow* I went up to her and let her pet me. Sara came down the stairs "Morning babe, smells good" "Good morning to you as well beloved"

"Tama, meet Nyssa, Nyssa, meet Tama" She introduced us both. I transformed into my human form and greeted Nyssa, "Hey you must be the infamous Nyssa that Sara has been telling me about, it's nice to finally meet you" I held out my hand "*chuckle* of course your feline talks, Ta'er al safer, life is never uninteresting with you" She takes my hand and gave a firm shake. Nyssa passes me a plate of food, and I devoured it. God this is delicious, "Sara, I approve" I mumbled as I finish my food. Sara chuckles and turns to Nyssa. I left the lovebirds to talk as I transform back to a cat, and stepping out to go on my daily run.
I shook myself so get rid of some dirt before stepping back into the apartment, "....-Come with me, Nyssa" I heard Sara say, I stayed out of the room and let them finish their conversation. Nyssa took Sara's hand in her own, "Sara, we have faced death and separation together countless times, life should not be so cruel to take us away from each other. I will not let that happen once more, my beloved, I swear it"

I wiped the single tear that fell from my eyes, damn these humans made me soft. "You can come in now Tama" I heard Sara call out, "Heyy Sara, you knew I was there the whole time didn't you" They both nodded "Sooo does this mean Nyssa is coming with us?" "Yes, but first, we gotta get the gang back togeth-" A sound of Sara's phone ringing interrupted her "Boss" "Rory?" "I got a situation, I think I bumped into one of those mechanisms.." "Mechanisms?" "Anaganisms.." "Anachronim?!?" "Yes, julius Caesar is in Aruba" "Seriously?" "Seriously, I got him tied up in my casita. What do you want me to do?" "Just sit tight and keep him safe, if you screw up history the bureau will be on your ass before you can say 'anachronim' "

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