Crisis on earth-X ( Part 1 )

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"Please, sir, alms for the poor?" The professor stops a group of knights on the raggedy road. "Out of the way, old man, Royal business in Nottingham. It'll be your neck if we're late" The knight hissed from his horse, The legends launched several of their arrows while I launched my shadow arrows at them. I look to the side to see Sara catching an arrow with her bare hands, before throwing it at a knight. "It's Robin Hood!" The knight screamed. "Not quite" She smirked.

I charged at the knight holding Sara in a chokehold, *Thump* his body flew a few feet from the force of my feline kick. "Hey, guys, did we RSVP for Iris and Barry's wedding? *grunt*" Sara asked as she took on 3 knights at the same time. "We did not" Jax answered, "then that's a serious breach of courtesy" The professor gasps. "Weddings are the worst" Mick grunts, "All right, team, let's go! We got a wedding to prepare for!" The professor shouted as the wave rider flew above us, ready to pick us up.


Calm music echoes through the rehearsal dinner Hall, with Humans chatting and smiling with each other. I followed not far behind Sara as she approached the open bar, "Somebody who drinks like that is looking to make something go away" Sara said to the red-haired woman beside her, pouring a shot for her and downing it in one go. "Yeah, well...*clears throat* and what are you looking to make go away?" The red-haired woman asked, "Nothing. I just like the taste of scotch" Sara shrugged, "Fair enough, I just called off my engagement" The red-haired woman opened up. "Hmm" Sara hummed softly, "Yeah, So being here... brings up a lot" The red-haired woman gestures around her.

"What, did you catch him cheating?" Sara asked, "Uh-uh, Her. *chuckle* It wasn't anything like that. We just wanted different things, you know? Wish I had realized that sooner. Had to make a break for it before later came around" The red-haired woman said softly. "So, let me guess, being at the rehearsal dinner for the world's most perfect couple is probably the last place that you wanna be," Sara said. "It stings a little, yeah" The red-haired woman chuckled.

"To make things go away" Sara raised her shot glass, "And love the taste of scotch" The red-haired woman continued. *Meow* I meowed up to Nyssa as she approached the bar, picking me up into her arms on her way there. "Hello beloved, care to introduce us to your new companion?" She said smoothly, her voice in a lilt. "Habibti, this is... " Sara trails off, realizing she does not know the red-haired woman's name. "Alex" 'Alex' chimed in, " *chuckle* Ah yes, Alex. Alex, this is Nyssa, My beloved" Sara circled her arms around Nyssa's waist, "and this is Tama" She introduced me, scratching behind my ears. *Meow* Hello!

Alex smiled and rubbed my chin "Hello to you too cutie". I sniffed her hand, flicking my ears to show my approval, *grumble* I hear my stomach rumble. Signaling my need for food, *meow* I huffed. Hopping down from Nyssa's arms and made my way to the open buffet area.

After eating my fill of food, as well as the abundance of treats that Felicity gave me, I decided to take a nap. Slipping out of the building and taking a nap between the bushes.
*Thump* a sound woke me up from my nap, I look up to see Nyssa, Sara, and Alex kissing, and rubbing up on each other. *sniff* I sniffed the air, the smell of alcohol saturated. I shook my head, the humans are drunk.


Morning sunshine shone through the windows and onto the bed, three very underdressed humans asleep on it. I walked in with Advil and water on a tray, held by my shadows. *meow* wake up! I meowed up to the humans.

Alex opened her eyes slowly, looking and down at the hand circling her waist. She grimaced and slipped out of bed quietly, falling on her behind in the process. Hurrying in wearing her dress as well as collecting her belongings. Scurrying out of the hotel room as fast as she can, not sparing a glance.

Sara grunted, not waking up, simply turned around and circled her arms around a still asleep Nyssa. *mreow* wake up!
I walked all over their bodies, "We're up, we're up Tama" Sara groaned out. Nyssa and Sara slowly got up, sitting up against the headboard. I placed the tray on their laps as Mick taught me.

"Thank you little one" Nyssa smiled, taking one of the pills and downing it with water. Sara groaned once more and held her head. "Pass me one too" She reached out, Nyssa sweetly held the pill up to Sara's lips and followed it up with a glass of water. "Thank you," Sara said, kissing Nyssa's cheek. *Meow!* Hey! I'm here too you know!

" *chuckle* of course, thank you to you too Tam Tam" Sara chuckled, scratching my chin softly. I purred as Nyssa picked me up and left for the kitchen. It's breakfast time!
"Hey" Kara greeted us as we walk up to the chappel, "Hello" "Hey, Kara" Nyssa and Sara greets back. "Alex?" Sara said, "Yeah, Nyssa?" Alex said uncertainly, Nyssa nods. "Okay, Sara?" Alex guessed. "That's me, I'm Sara," Sara said awkwardly, "*chuckle* I-I knew that. That's so funny. How are you? How are you? It's a lovely day, isn't it? It's such a perfect day for a wedding. How are you doing?" Alex rambles out her questions.

"I'm good. A little hungover, but we'll survive. How are you? How's your butt? I heard you fall out of bed this morning and it sounded like it hurt" Sara asked in worry. "Yeah, a little" Alex stuttered out, "All right, We will catch you guys inside" Sara waved at them and circled her arms back around Nyssa's waist.


♪ Can't say how the days ♪
♪ Will unfold ♪
♪ Can't change what the ♪
♪ Future may hold ♪
♪ But I want you in it ♪
♪ Every hour, every minute ♪
♪ This world can race far too fast ♪

Kara's beautiful voice echoed through the church, Iris entered the chappel guided by her father.

♪ Hard to see ♪
♪ While it's all flying past ♪
♪ But it's clear now ♪
♪ You're standing here now ♪
♪ I am meant to be ♪
♪Wherever you are next to me ♪ ♪ All I want to do ♪
♪ Is come running home to you ♪ ♪ Come running home to you ♪
♪ And all my life I promise to ♪
♪ Keep running home to you ♪

"Everyone, please be seated. Welcome to you all. I'm honored to be presiding over the wedding of Barry Allen and Iris West. Although I don't know them well, I know that this is a good match. How do I know that? Well...Because of you, because of all of you. Looking out at their friends and their family...and seeing the joy on all your faces, seeing how happy you are for them, tells me everything I need to know. It tells me that these two people deserve to be together. They deserve to be happy and fulfilled. And they deserve a long life together" The officiator said, "And now to the standard housekeeping. Does anyone have just cause why these two should not be married? Speak now, or forever hold your peace" He continued.

A laser beam shot at the officiator, disintegrating him out of existence. An army of people dressed in black stormed into the room, "Peace is overrated" A woman who looked like an emo knock-off supergirl said. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me. Nazis?" Iris gasps.

The nazis started shooting, Barry used his super-speed to catch the flying bullets. I used my shadows to deflect the rest of the bullets he missed, "Get everybody out of here!" Kara shouted out. I used my shadow to create a shield around the civilians that are being evacuated. I jumped in front of a nazi shooting at a human woman, I deflected the bullet. Manifesting my shadow and knocking them all out at once.

I looked to the side and spotted a fallen sword on the ground. "Nyssa!" I shouted and threw the sword over to her. She caught the sword and nodded her head before engaging in another battle. Seeing that all of the civilians have been evacuated, I summoned my shadow clones, taking out multiple of the nazis swiftly.

"EVERYBODY FALL BACK" The Nazi leader commanded, fleeing with a flashbang. "Best wedding ever!" Mick exclaimed.


After cleaning up the church, we all fell back to Star Labs.
"You wiped the minds of the guests at the wedding?" Oliver questioned and Mick and I entered the room. "Yep. Everyone's secret identity remains secret" Mick answered. "Any idea where they fled?" Barry asked Kara and me, "No. I flew over the entire city, there's no trace of the" Kara said. "Yeah, I sent out my shadows and their scent ended right outside the church" I spoke up.

I hopped down from the table I was sitting on, to go look around for a place to take a nap. I'm going to need my energy for this.


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