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My name is Eobard Thawne, with the help of Damien Darhk, Malcolm merlyn, Leonard snart and Mick Rory, I've obtained the spear of destiny. An ancient artifact with the power to rewrite reality itself, and we have. It's a brave new world.


I stepped out of my shadow portal, walking into the room Sara, Jax, Ray, Nate, and mick is in.
"Hey guys, missed me? "


3 days earlier

I punched the last of the humans that charged at me, piercing their corrupted bodies as they fall to the ground one by one. Well serves you right for making a deal with a demon. Now, where did you people hide that little trinket of mine.

I sent out my shadows to look for the artifact I'm searching for, looking around the altar lifting and tossing ruins of the castle I'm currently in. A glint of metal shone through one of the fallen ruins, I used my shadow to toss the bricks and stone. Revealing a shiny little cuff, sure at first glance ordinary people would've seen it as junk, a piece of metal. But there is something special to this cuff that will be a special surprise for the Legends.

Just as I clasped the cuff on to my legs, I felt something rapidly incasing my surroundings. No not only my surroundings, the whole world. An in visible wave washed over me, and I was knocked out.
I opened my eyes to see the castle ruins and a rat on top of me, *hiss* get off of me! The rat ran away for it's life, I looked around. Everything seems to be the same but I could tell something is different, Well I've got what I need now. It's time to go back to my humans.

I pressed the device that Rip gave me, and portal opened. But when I walked through, I couldn't see any of the legends anywhere. The portal spat me out in the middle of a city road, "starling city" I read out loud. Well, if the portal opened here, then the legends must be around somewhere.

I sent out my shadows to gather Intel as I made my way through the busy futuristic city. In my search for the Legends I found an abandoned clock tower, Huh this is quite nice. I decided to stay there, making the clock tower my temporary base of operations until I could locate the Legends.
I was startled awake from my cat nap by one of my shadow. They saw the legends sneak into a suburban looking house, I quickly gathered myself and opened up a shadow portal. A neat little trick I acquired courtesy of my little artifact. I took a deep breath before stepping inside.


No one's POV

Jax entered the Lab, spotting the professor immediately. He tried to restore the professor's mind but the professor resisted and broke the mind gun. "Guys we got a problem, you gotta get here asap" He talked into his radio, "we're at the building, just keep him there" Sara's voice replied from the radio. "Look you gotta believe me okay? This is not the way it's supposed to be" Jax said to the professor " Is this some sort of test of my loyalty? Does Mr. Thawne even care?" Gray stuttered out as he backed away from Jax, And he pressed a button on top of the lab table. "Did you just press the silent alarm?" "What? No, it's a secondary radiation sensor to the nuclear core" "Grey, you are a crappy liar in any reality" Jax exclaimed.

"Martin" Sara came in, with Amaya, Ray, and Nate in tow. "I can't talk any sense to him and he just triggered a silent alarm" Jax informed them. "Which means thawne'll be here soon" A streak of yellow lightning dashed into the room, "or now" Nate continued Amaya.

"Well looks like you losers managed to remember who you are" Thawne said with his distorted voice, "I should've wiped you from existence when I had the chance, do you have any idea how infuriating it is to know that Merlyn was right? Lucky for you I believe in some fates worse than death, like me destroying the spear and cementing this reality for all time" Thawne said as he ordered his goons to come in and point their guns at the legends.

"Martin" He called out to the professor "The reactor is fully operational sir" "This is the only reality any of you will ever know" He said "We'll never give up trying to stop you" Nate told him. "Well if it weren't for your futile efforts, this wouldn't be half a sweet-" A blast of fire knocked the spear out of Thawne's hand. "Not so fast, Speedy. You have something we want" Snart quiped, pointing his gun at Thawne. "You need a lesson in how to share your toys, Eobard" Darhk addressed him. "Yeah time for us to get a turn with the spear" Merlyn continued. "And do what with it exactly? Don't you understand? I'm trying to protect you from yourselves, with the spear destroye-" "Bored now" Snart cut him off, firing his gun and knocking him away. "Get the spear!" Sara ordered, a big fight broke out. The legends against both Thawne's goons and The legion of doom. Mick picked up the called spear, Everyone's attention fell to him. They all tried to persuade him to give it to them. "Enough! Mick hand it over, like a good boy" Snart ordered him. "You mean a good dog, that's all I am to you, an attack dog" Mick said "Now that's not true. Sure, we both know you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, but that's why we're partners, remember?"
"You're right, I'm not a genius. But I'm no ones dog, Leonard. Not anymore" Mick threw the spear backwards, towards Amaya. "We'll I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks" Snart said, "undo this mess" Mick said to Amaya. She nods and starts chanting. But a ray of blue hits her chest, freezing her. Snart flicked his fingers, shattering Amaya to pieces. Snart threw the spear over to Darhk, but it wasn't his for long. A blitz of lightning took the spear and Thawne threw it into the incinerator. He laughed sinisterly as he saw the look of despair in their eyes. But He took pity on them. And let them go, threatening them on what would happen if they mess with him.

Legends went back to Nate's mom's basement. "I can't believe that's it, I refuse to believe that this is it" Jax said in disbelief "Without the spear there's no way we can undo this" Ray said, dejected. "There is one way, time travel" Sara said. "What do you mean? " "We go back to 1916, and we stop the legion from getting the spear of destiny in the first place" She said. "No we're not supposed to change events we participated in" "And if we do, we risk time folding in on itself" Ray continues Jax " Even if we-" Nate stopped his line of thinking as a pitch black portal opened in front of them. A person stepped out of the portal and waved at them, " Hey guys, missed me?" The person said.


Tama's POV

"Hey guys, missed me?" I said. mick pointed his gun at me and Sara took on a fighting stance, "whoa whoa guys calm down, it's me" "Who are you" Sara gritted out "It's me, Tama, see?" My cat ears popped out of the top of My head, they looked at me in disbelief "Tama? How-" Ray said still in disbelief, " Wow Tama, how are you so..." "Human?" I cut Sara off, "I was gonna say hot but yeah that" She said. I chuckle " Yeah, see this cuff? This is an artifact that was used to seal of a fraction of my powers." I showed them the bracelet like cuff on my wrist. "With this I can change into a humanoid form, as well as acquire some of my long lost abilities, hence the portal. It's what I left the waverider to look for" I explained myself, "Anyways, where's Amaya and the professor? I don't see them anywhere" I asked them.

Sara looked at me, with clear despair in her eyes. They told me what happened, every . single . thing.
*bang* I slammed fists on the table " Those damn bastards, I should've come back earlier. I should've-" "Enough! There's no use in blaming ourselves" Sara cut me off "We have to go back in time and stop the legion of doom from getting the spear in the first place" "Even if we weren't worried about messing with time. we can't go anywhere, or anywhen" Nate stopped Sara, "we don't even know where the waverider is" Jax said " Or if it even exist in this reality " Nate adds. "Well, if it does, there's one person who knows where it is. We just have to find him" Sara said with a look of determination in her eyes.


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