Crisis on Earth-X ( Part 2)

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I sat atop Sara's shoulders as we all stood in front of the man we captured.

"Oh, my God" Felicity gasps as the masked man took off his hood, "Oh, my God what? Who is that? " Iris questioned aloud.
"That's Tommy Merlyn," Sara said, "He died over 4 years ago" Felicity whispers in disbelief.

"Oliver, who's Tommy Merlyn?" Barry questioned, "Thea's other brother...and my best friend." He whispers, "We're gonna need a moment alone"

We all nodded and left Oliver to have a moment with the captured men.
"He's a crony" Mick grumbled, "Anachronism" The professor corrected him, "That's what I said" Mick shot back.

"Lately we've been dealing with anachronisms. It's people and things displaced throughout time" Sara explained to the clueless humans in the room.

"Ok, but why would Nazis from 1945 want to crash my wedding?" Iris questioned, "Crab legs. They were delicious" Mick said as he munched on the crab legs he managed to steal from the wedding.

"Well, Iris has a point, though.
If they're out of time, they would've targeted the military or law enforcement....." Alex spoke up.

Tuning out the rest of the conversation, I looked around the Lab, surely within this huge building, there's a good napping spot. 'Whatever these 'Nazi' humans are, I have a feeling I'm going to need my energy I thought to myself as I curled up in a box, falling into a blissful nap.


"Yeah I'll keep you and the team updated, Love you Nyss" Sara said as she hung up the phone. *Meow* I meowed up at her, She smiled and petted my head.

*Door opens* We heard the sound of the door as Alex walks into the room. "Hey" Sara greets her. *meow* I lifted my paws in hello.

"Hey" Alex greets back.
"How are you?" Sara asked with a smile, "Um, well, punching Nazis, that was as satisfying as I imagined it would be. It's..." Alex trails off.

"You ok?" Sara asked with a frown, worried for the redhead.
"Yeah. Oh, me? No. I'm-- I'm fi--I'm ok. I'm completely ok. I'm ok, ok?" Alex stammered. "Okay," Sara smiled. Huh, why is the human nervous? Humans are so weird.

"This isn't gonna be a thing, right?" Sara asked as she picked me up and entered the elevator,
"Yeah. No, no, I'm--I'm ok. I'm good" Alex stuttered once more as the elevator doors closed. "Cute" Sara chuckled, *meow* I pawed at her face. "I know I know Nyssa is obviously cuter" She said as she swats my paws away from her face.


"Let's go, Tam Tam, it's time to fight" Sara said. Huh, how do they fit all that in there? I wondered as she and Alex suited up, placing abnormal numbers of weapons hidden within their costumes.

We all walked together onto the inevitable war, "Supergirl and Firestorm are sweeping the perimeter" Oliver informed the team.

"It's done. It's wall-to-wall Nazis in there" Barry continued, "Alex, Tama, and I will take up breach positions on the northwest corner, if that's ok with you" Sara said, "S.T.A.R. Labs thinks they converted the sub-light generator--the Prism that they stole--into some kind of superweapon" Alex informed them.

"Speaking of super, theirs is our biggest threat" Barry points out, "Agreed. Let's take her out first" Oliver concurred.

I sent out multiple of my shadows to act as scouts as I made my way to my position alongside Sara and Alex.

"Couldn't have left one for me?" Oliver quipped as Barry took out all the Nazis in the room, I'm saving Nazi you for you" Barry shot back.
"There's no sign of the Prism" Alex informed the team, "Well, it's got to be here somewhere," Barry said.

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