Chapter 40 - Damn Slimy

Start from the beginning

"They die easily? I thought they are strong since the waves they are making around the world." A woman voice said in a surprise voice. The woman's name is Monet, Joker's crew member.

"Shirorororo!! But suprisingly, Flame Maiden Y-n is with them! Why is Akagami no Shank's girlfriend is doing with them?" Caesar wonder, grin at Law when he notice that the surgeon clench his fist when your name is mention.

"You don't know the latest news?" The two men stare at her.

"What is it?" It was Law who asked. The woman remove her glasses and then inform causing Law eyes widen and Caesar grin sadistically.

"Akagami no Shanks and Flame Maiden Y-n have reportedly broke up."


I slowly open my eyes and adjust my sight to know where we are. I see Zoro's face first laying beside me but he was unconscious. The only one who is awake is Nami-Sanji. I even see him kick Brook and Zoro to woke up. It was funny to see it though.

My head feels weird like some hard thing hit my head. I groaned and feel a bump at the top of my head.

"Y-n swan!! I'm glad you are awake!" Nami- Sanji help me to stand. The two are now awake and we are running now. I just smile at him and try to ease my head.

"I think something hard hit my head when we fell." Zoro stated with a bump on his head.

"Yeah, you're right. My head feels weird." I answered.

"Me too." Brook said.

"We wasted so much time, I wonder if the samurai is okey." Nami-Sanji voice out.

"You made us take this side trip." Zoro reasoned.

"I thought all of us wanted to do this!" Nami- Sanji answered.

"It's shame we could not find the Yeti, but i will never forget the shadows i see earlier!" Brook inform.

Zoro sighed and grunted, "That wasn't it, don't fool yourself. You said that was an enemy attack."

"No i didn't"

"Yes you did."

"No i did not."

"I don't believe it exist." Zoro conclude.

"I believe it exist." Nami- Sanji butt in.

"I think i need more information before i believe." Brook added.

"I'm impress, you are quite mature." Nami-Sanji praise.

"That's a nice method Brook!" I commented.

"I'm older, that's why." Brook proudly answered and he turn to me. "Y-n san, may i see—-."

"I swear Brook, if you finish that i will burn you." I warned.


"I don't like that indecisive attitude." Zoro commented.

We continue to run in the snowy weather, it was tiring because it's very cold and i could not see a thing other than snow.

"Now, the hunting for nature's mystery is over now." Nami-Sanji said. He turn to Brook and ask, " The samurai should be around here, right?"

"Maybe, probably he is still looking for his missing torso around the lake." Brook reply.

"We are now almost near at the lake." I inform.

We started to call for the samurai except zoro. I look around to see if there is a head with a lower body part. I almost tripped when i step on something. A pair of arms catch me, i thank Zoro for that and he smile at me. We look down and see the samurai we are looking for.

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