Chapter 10 - Finally got out

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Note: It's a sad chapter :(


Magellan is chasing us now, he is using his poison devil fruit making hydra made like. I look behind and he is not very far behind us, he is not even running.

"What the hell?!?! He is so annoying!!" I shouted still running fast to be far away from the poison guy.

"Keep running, pretty-chan!" Bon-chan cheered even he is also scared.

We made to the level 2 because Ivan-san is at the Level 3 fighting Magellan, and Inazuma is waiting for him at the entrance if level two. At the level 2, we saw again a group of weird animals. We beat them and we also see the prison cells are empty. Seems the prisoners use the opportunity the break out by the chaos luffy made.

We hear a shout and it was running to our directions, it was the prisoners and a familiar duo running away from the demon guards. It was Buggy and Mr.3, Buggy not looking where is he running, ran to Crocodile and fell to the floor.

Mr.3 immediately check on him, "Hey are you okey?". Buggy groaned at the ground because of the pain.

"You bastard! Watch where you are going, you piece of cr—." The clown stated and he lifted his head to glare at the reason of his fell. His eyes bulged out and his teeth also because of the shock. "—OCODILE?!?!".

"B-B-BOSS?!" Mr.3 shuttered, his teeth bulged out too. How can they do that? Ah right, anime logic. I thought sighing, i continued fighting the demon guards with Luffy and Jinbei.

"Huh? Ah, It's you Mr. 3. What are you doing here, you piece of trash?" Crocodile said bluntly making the insulted guy, started to cry.

"Captain Buggy!" One of the prisoner said. Buggy hummed. "They defeat the demon guards!!"

"EHHHHHHHHH!?" Buggy and Mr.3 said both in unison, and again their faces are bulging out. They stared at us in shocked. Me, Jinbei and Luffy who defeated the demon guards fast.



" AND WHO IS THAT HOT CHICK?!?!" They pointed at me dramatically. My eye twitch on that because their voices are so loud, the other prisoner also swoon when they notice me.

"What a relief! You guys are alright!" Luffy grinned then a imaginary arrow stab Buggy and Mr.3 because they were moved on what luffy said.

A unknown prisoner interrupted their moment, "Captain Buggy! Other prisoners and perverts are coming from the Level 2!"

"PERVERTS TOO?!?!? WHAT THE HELL!!" Buggy screeched.

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING PERVERTS?!?" Bon-chan yelled and he spin and kicking the two rapidly.


"What are you doing to Captain Buggy?!?" The followers of Buggy complained who are a bunch of prisoners.

The reunion was cut off because Magellan appeared, means that Ivan-san and Inazuma got defeated or worse poison. Luffy wanted to fight him after he think worse about what happen to Ivan-san and Inazuma, but Bon-chan stopped him because he lost to Magellan once.

Magellan tried to attack us but Mr.3 saved us using his devil fruit. He make a wax wall to stop the hydra attack of the warden. The prisoners cheered on Mr.3 for stopping the poison.

"That piece of trash found his use, his ability got handy." Crocodile scowl. Then he stare at me who is beside him staring at the moment with amazement. He scoffed and look away.

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