Chapter 20 - Rumors

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Me and Shanks got to know each other for the past days, just like the shanks that i live with in the real world. He is very funny and happy person but he is also scary when he get pissed off or unimpressed.

Shanks even offered me to sleep in his room in the ship and he will just sleep in the floor  and i immediately decline. He sulked after hearing that and he refuse even talking to me. So i promise him that i will spent my days with him in the day during my stay here,  that lifted his spirit. I feel like a girlfriend comforting it's boyfriend when it is being a childish and stubborn boyfriend. I thought in dead panned.

It's my fifth day here in Island of Narra. When the night time comes and shanks and his crew go back to their ship i asked people around if there is a strange happening here in this island. Some people said there is no strange around here but a one old man said that there is something strange about the old Narra tree at the center of the island.

According to the old man, there was a weird sound coming from the tree when the night comes at the middle of the night. That time he was getting water from the lake in the forest and he see a strange light around the tree and a weird sound.

So that's why i always go to the Old narra at the middle of the night to inspect it but it's not appearing when i visit it. I always come back to the inn that shanks rented for me even i refused but he did not listen to me and just paid the inn owner. He is really a stubborn giant baby. I sigh defeatedly.

I'm now visiting the Old Narra tree again and just like the past nights, nothing is appearing.

"Guess i will try again tommorrow night." I muttered and decided to return to the inn, but before i can walk away there was a white light shining in the tree. I walk towards it and something is urging me to touch it. Then, i touch it and i feel my self become numb because several images enter my mind when i still touching it. A knight... a unknown room with uncleared faces.... a flower pot.... a throne... and lastly a golden crown...

I remove my hand from the tree and touch it with my other hand and breathe fastly and the white light in the tree become dim and slowly dissappearing. I feel my legs give up and i sit on the ground. What is the meaning of those images?

"I need to return to the inn and draw those images." After that i walk away and decided i will just think that tommorrow because i feel very sleepy.


I'm with Shanks now in the tavern, they are now drinking booze even it's too early. I'm sitting beside Shanks and i cannot understand what shanks is saying because i keep thinking about those images. What with those images? Are they the clues for the one who disturbed the both worlds? What is their purpose??

I didn't even notice that shanks is calling me, then i feel rough hand gently touching my face and made me turn to them. I was brought back to reality. I see shanks is the one who touch my face and he is looking at me in a worry expression.

"Y-n chan? Are you feeling okey? I call your name two times and you didn't response. Maybe i can help you on what you are thinking." Shanks then touch my right hand still staring at me. I blinked and just smile at him.

"I'm okey, Shanks-kun. Just thinking things, don't worry about it." I answered then touching his face with my both hands and he leaned to it and close his eyes, i feel my cheeks heating up because of the affection.

Before i can talk the door of the tavern burst open. Shanks open his eyes to stare at the person who enter. It was one of his crew who is holding a newspaper, breathing fast and walk fastly towards his captain.

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