Chapter 9 - Meet the Future Enemy

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Our group consist of Luffy, Jimbei, Crocodile and me are going to the Level 4. Ivankov separate from us to find his other Okama members to gather more prisoner for our break out. My clothes is change now, white t-shirt with a print 'LIGHT' and a denim shorts with black flats. Crocodile got his clothes provided to him also. Ivankov san said that i should change because prison uniform are ugly. Even i agree.

Jinbei said that Ace is already in the ship and the war will start anytime now. Then luffy said that we can still have a chance if we break out safely. Crocodile floated towards the door then he put one hand on it.

"Doors cannot stop me, i will turn it to sand." He said then the door started to wither away. I stare amaze and stop immediately because he look at me then smirk smugly when he notice that i got amaze on his ability. I turn away and scoffed, he just chuckle.

After Crocodile disintegrate the door creating a hole. The dust cleared out then there was alrealy prison guards waiting for us.

"This is the Level 4! The prisoner who escaped from Level 6 are Shichibukai Jimbei!" Said the guard in Den-Den mushi.

"This is the Blazing hell!" Jinbei stated, sweating from the heat.

"The intruder, Monkey D. Luffy!"

"It's very hot here!" Luffy whined.

"A former Shichibukai, Crocodile!" The guard continued. "And the special prisoner, (y-n)!"

The guys looked at me confuse after that. I shrugged giving them a look that 'i don't know what are they talking about'. Even i got confuse because of that. The guard shoot Crocodile but it got no effect because they are using normal bullets. I stare blankly at them very done with their stupidity shooting a  Logia devil fruit user. Crocodile smirk while letting the guard shoot him making holes in his body that he filled back with sand.

Then one guard holding a fork scold the guards who is holding a gun to use the prison bullets. Then Crocodile use his power making a wave of sand to attack the guards holding the guns then they wither slowly.

Luffy also use his devil to attack the guard he swung himself to the air then he fist multiplied then the majority of the prison guards got knock out.

Then my eyes widen because their was guard running to my direction. I freak out because i don't know how to activate that purple thing fire. My mind gone thinking then i imagine a purple fire to appear in my mind. I close my eyes to concentrate. Then i feel the power flowing to me. I open my eyes and see the purple flame is occupying in my both hands. The guys stare in amazement because of a unique color of fire. Especially luffy who has a stars in his eyes. The guard also stop.

"Fire arrow!" I said then the flame form into a arrow like then shoot the guard burning them then turning them to ashes. Thank you mirarin for the gift!. I thought in relief.

The flame dissappear then Jimbei took an attack stance, lifting his arms. "Fish-Man Karate: Arabesque Brick Fist!"

The guard was push backwards then they lost consciousness.

The guards behind the Den-Den mushi said that they are not strong to fight us. Then a guard said to attack non-stop because they are outnumbering us.

"Get out in our way! We are in a hurry!" Luffy ordered.

"Let's just go." Muttered Crocodile, going forward. Me, Luffy and Jimbei followed him immediately. We continued to attack the guard coming from the upper levels. We hear a shout at the distance and see Ivankov and his Okama followers, there was also Bon.

"I finally caught with vyou!" The queer king grinned happily.

"Straw cha— WHO IS THAT GORGEOUS LADY?!?" Bon yelled while doing his signature ballerina spining.

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