Chapter 25 - A worried hawk

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Guys, you watch the new episode of one piece? Marco eating a pineapple without peeling it scared me..


Mihawk keep dragging me, surprisingly he is very gentle holding my hand. Just like Shanks, his hands is rough due to using sword. The thing is that his hands are little cold, it's very different to Shanks warm hand.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked very curious but he just continue to walk, ignoring me completely. My eye twitch because of that.

Before i can talk again, he suddenly stop and i realize we stop in a restaurant. A waiter walk towards us and he guide us inside. Mihawk let me go and motion me to follow him. I sigh and just do it. It's perfect timing because i'm so hungry right now. If this older handsome man gonna stop me, i'm going to forget he is my crush in one piece!

The waiter led us to the corner with a few around it. It was a table for two. Before i can move a chair to sit on, Mihawk being a gentleman he is, he move the chair for me to sit on, i stare at him in a little surprise. I see fast because i don't want to wait.

After i sit on, he also sit opposite of me, so we are facing each other. The waiter give us the menu, Mihawk order a wine and a pasta. While i order almost everything because i need to eat. I'm still growing so i need nutrients. Mihawk and the waiter stare at me in surprise because of the amount of dishes that i order. I ignore them and play with the my hands.

After the waiter take our orders, he said that the food will be serve in fifteen minutes. After that he leave us alone to attend the other customer.

"So what do you want to ask?" I started and lean at my chair, waiting for him to answered. I grab the glass of water and drink a little of it.

"You need to break up with Red-haired." I nearly choke on my drink on what he just said. I stare at him, because he just brought  that up. I guess i will play along to see his reaction. Hehe.

"Huh? Why?" I asked in curious with matching raising eyebrow. I gulped because i notice his eyes got sharpen.

"He is a womanizer, he will just make you fall to him and leave you behin——." Mihawk was cut off because i suddenly chuckle. I cannot stop my self to laugh because how ridiculous he is acting right now.

"You sound like a jealous ex-boyfriend..." I commented and he seems to realize what he just say a while ago.

"The newspaper are really making up stories... me and shanks are not in relationship.. i know why you are saying this because you saw the picture right? That day me and shanks are in a friendly date. We are just friends.." Then after that, i notice that he got calmed and relax. I stare at him in confuse because of that.

"You seems very close to Red-haired, you are just casually calling him his name..." He said in wonder.

"Well, he said that i should call him that, i also said to him to called me by my name too. Anyway, i know you are not here to know what my relationship with shanks... there is something else isn't?" It's seems i guess correct because he got frozen when i said that. I grin a little and lean my cheek against my hand looking at him..

"You are quiet sharp..." I smirk when i hear him complimenting me.

"Well, i will go straight to the point... who are you really? You look really the girl that i have dream before.. you where smiling at me.." He explain and my smirk disappear because of his question. This is what Mirarin has said to me before i got here. That all the guys that i used to live with in the real world has dream about me.

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