Chapter 27- Timeskip

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Well guys, we are now in the two years timeskip!


Also, you guys watch the 1015 episode? It's was so good!! I cannot wait for the next episode.


I step in the ground of Sabaody Archipelago, where i was sent two years ago. Well, it's been two years and now i'm twenty years old. My hair are still long but my features have gotten a little mature. I look around and feel the air in the Archipelago.

"It's been a while..." I breathe out and close my eyes, smiling. I turn to the people who give me ride to got here. It was the people of the island where i meet Mihawk, two years ago. I become close to them and they are ones also who take me to the next island to train my self to get stronger.

"Everyone, thank you for taking me here again, and being my friends for the past two years! I will never forget you guys!" I said and bow to them. They smile at me and few are even sobbing.

"Y-n san, we will miss you!"

"I gonna be strong like you!"

"Don't forget to sent a letter or call us!!"

"See ya guys!!" I answered and then, they sail out to go back to the New world, well their ship are coated so they will go past through fishman Island.

It's been two years also since i last talk to Mirarin, i'm a little worried because she just did not contact me after our last conversation and i cannot reach out to her because she take the book with her. I'm sure she is alright, she is the guardian of fictional world. Maybe she is just got very busy.

I started to walk, i can see that the island did not change a bit. Oh, it change a little, i can see marines are on duty around the island. I better to cover my face or i will be caught.  Well in the two years time in One piece, the marines heard that the strawhats are reuniting in this island, but there was a group of impostor trying to use Strawhats name to become respected pirate. They use the opportunity that luffy did during the war.

"I need to go shakky's bar. I will ask the where abouts of the strawhats if they got here. Right! I will also see Rayleigh-san again!" I shouted in excitement. I feel stares of the people around me. I bow to them and proceed to walk fast. That was embarrassing...

I shake my head to forget it anf  try to remember the direction Shakky's bar. I found it and started to walk towards it.

I sigh and slowly hold the door knob and open the door. I see Rayleigh and Shakky are talking and then stop when they see me standing in the door frame.

"It's good to see you, Shakky-san and Rayleigh-san!!" I yelled and smile at them. They don't have a customer for now. It's seem that Shakky-san just open the bar. Well it's still 10:00 in the morning.

"Y-n san! It's been a while!" Shakky responded with a smile.

Before i can respond, i was sweep from the ground and someone was spinning me around and hugging me. I stare at the culprit and see it was Rayleigh who had tears in his eyes. I got confuse on that.

"Y-n chan, i'm glad that you are alright! Did that Red idiot is treating you well? If not, i'm gonna talk to him!" He put me down and wipe his tears. Wait, Red idiot? Did he mean Shanks? Shit, did he really believe the newspaper about me and shanks are in relationship?!

"Rayleigh- san, the newspaper are talking non-sense. Me and Shanks are not a thing! We are just friends!" I confirmed and he stare at me very confuse.

"What? But the picture in the newspaper rwo years ago, capture both of you holding hands and staring at each other like you are so inlove!!" Rayleigh said and i blush when he said about the inlove part. Dammit Shanks, now i really need to explain!

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