Chapter 15 - End of War

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The marines shoot us but they are using normal bullets. We easily defeated them. The Whitebeard crew create a path for us and more marines is attacking us.

Aokiji attack us with his devil fruit, creating a mass of ices. But Ace counter it with a wall of flames. The collision of both attack is very overwelming.

Suddenly, a ship crash to the Marineford, The Moby dick. Then the bastard who stab Whitebeard is standing on it. My mouth hang open because Whitebeard stop it with one hand, and he also tell that the stab that squard created to him will not kill Whitebeard.

"We accomplished our goal here! There is no need to stay anymore! Listen, Whitebeard pirates! I will give you last order as your captain. Me and all of you will parted here! Everyone, survive at any cost and go back to the New world safely! I'm a remnant of the old era! There will be no ship that can carry me anymore in the new era! So, go now!"

Then, Whitebeard sent a quake that created the big cracks to the Main building of the Marineford and some marines went flying because of it. The whole island of Marineford ford shook tremendously. I feel a tear escape on my right eye because i can feel the love of Whitebeard to his sons. Each person on the crew shed tears on what their captain said.

Whitebeard Pirates started to escape but still they are crying on the same time and Ace is not moving to escape. Me and Luffy stop also to wait for Ace.

"Ace! Come on and let's go! The old man made up his mind!" Luffy convincing his brother. Who replied that he acknowledge it and escaping is important. Ace throw fire to marines who is attacking Whitebeard. Then Ace bow in the midst of the chaos.

Whitebeard saw this and his eyes is forming tears. "Let me ask you one thing, Ace. Are you happy that you have me as your father?"

"Of course i am!!" Ace yelled, he is still bowing but i know he is crying. Whitebeard then heartily laugh for the last time.

Then, i feel a gazed on me and i turned around and see Whitebeard is staring at me. "Lass, take care of Ace for me, i can see that he adore you just much like his little brother. I know this is the first and last talk we will have, so take care also okey?"

I feel the tears escaping from my eyes, i nod rapidly. "Of course, i will."

He then smile then he turn around from us. Jinbei appeared stating that we need to go and he also said that the marines want to arrest us three.

Suddenly, the magma bitch appear and started mocking Whitebeard calling it loser. Ace stop running and eyes narrow, turned to Akainu. Me and Luffy also stop.

"Ace! Please control your self, he is just making you angry!" I hold his arm and plead. He turn towards me scowling.

"He is mocking pops!"

Akainu is still continuing talking crap, and its fueling Ace anger. He is know walking closer to Akainu ignoring his comrades warning and mine.

"Whitebeard will die as a loser!!" Akainu said, his hand is turning magma.

"Whitebeard is a great pirate! The name of this era is 'WHITEBEARD!!" Then their fist collided. Akainu easily overpowered the fire man, Ace hand was badly burned because of it. He was kneeling because of pain. I kneel beside Ace and help him stand, even i feel my self is giving up because of exhaustion. He smile a little on that and thank me.

Then Luffy called Ace but fell because the Energy Hormone worn off. The Ace's vivre card in his hat flew off and fall to the ground. Jinbei immediately warn him to not fight. Luffy try to grab the Vivre card but he did not notice the magma fist coming on him.

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