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"Sit down," the brunette said, not removing her eyes from the blonde that walked toward the chair

"Ms. Spampinato I-"

"You are not Sarah. Start by introducing yourself and then explain why the hell you're sitting here instead of her" Stefania said as annoyance laced in her voice.

"Uh Savre, I- I'm Danielle Savre" the blonde struggled to get out

"Um, Drew- I mean Sarah had a family emergency, and um she asked me to come in for her" she added now twiddling with her fingers.

Stefania stayed quiet for a moment then finally broke the silence "alright then, forgive my tone I hadn't been informed that you were coming and I like to be aware of everything" Danielle stayed quiet as she nodded her head with a soft smile. "tell me Ms. Savre, is this something you wanna do? You don't seem like the person to be interested in journalism"

Danielle looked up from her fingers to meet the brown eyes watching her closely. "No I um actually am very interested in photography and videography" she paused. "I joined journalism, in hopes of getting my work featured in magazines or even on television" she smiled slightly looking back down at her fingers.

"Show me your work," Stefania said bluntly

"I um- I don't have any of my stuff with me, your security team made me leave my phone in my car" Danielle now tapping her fingers on her notebook

"Ah I see. Very well then, ask your questions," Stefania said now standing up out of her chair and walking around her desk to lean against the desk in front of Danielle.

She stood there in a navy blue pantsuit, her blazer open revealing her lacey black bodysuit that hugged her body so gracefully. Danielle analyzed every inch of her as she stood in front of her, leaning against the desk. The millionaire smirked at how the blonde stared intently, before clearing her throat

"Yeah- right, um okay, first question" she paused starting the voice recorder. "What interested you in becoming the entrepreneur you are today?" She added.

"I spent a huge part of my life watching my family struggle to bring food to the table. I didn't want that for them anymore, so I took matters into my own hands at sixteen and went from there" Stefania stated with a small smile watching the blonde stare at her in complete awe.

"Wow um yeah okay" the blonde finally snapped out of her trance. "Okay, the second question. How does it feel to be one of the youngest and sexie- um" she paused clearing her throat, "the um youngest and um sexiest self-made millionaires in New York" The blonde felt the heat surface on her face as her cheeks began to turn bright red.

The millionaire giggled at how flustered the blonde was. "I wouldn't consider myself one of the sexiest, but to be one of the youngest self-made millionaires is honestly a dream I never thought I could fulfill. It was never easy, with all the stress it came with, I had doubts, but I didn't want to stay in the same spot I was, so I kept pushing. One thing I didn't want is the spotlight it came with. But I wanted to give my family and myself the best so it's a blessing and a curse. But today is definitely a blessing because I got to meet a beautiful person," The brunette said licking her lips, looking at the blonde with lust in her eyes.

Danielle felt this heat building between her legs. Something about Stefania was making her feel so many things she didn't think she was capable of feeling. She crossed her legs tightly to relieve some pressure before saying "um yeah I um, I bet it is" looking deeply into the millionaires chocolate brown eyes and then quickly looking back down

Before Danielle could speak again, a light knock came from the door. "come in" the brunette said swiftly. Danielle turned her head to see the receptionist that greeted her earlier pop her head through the door. "excuse my interruption Ms. Spampinato, there is a person by the name of Gabriella demanding to speak to you" the woman from the reception said as she stood in the doorway.

The blonde looked back at the millionaire in front of her to try to read her reaction. She seemed unhappy, she seemed to not like this Gabriella person and as if she was the last person she wanted to see.

"I'm sorry please give me a moment," Stefania said pushing herself off the desk and moving towards the door. Danielle turned her head slightly watching the millionaire sway her hips as she got to the door. The blonde turned back only to hear the slight yelling coming from behind her. it wasn't English. Based on the accent the millionaire spoke in, she knew it must've been a form of Latin.

"Per favore Gabri, vattene," the millionaire yelled louder this time. Danielle knew whatever they were talking about just got a lot more heated. The blonde turned around to try and get a look at what was happening when she saw the woman speaking to the millionaire inch closer to her face. "Sai che era più di un semplice Sesso," Gabriella said snaking her arm around the millionaire's waist, pulling Stefania closer to her.

The blonde watched closely, unable to take her eyes off the woman. She felt some sort of jealousy form in the pit of her stomach. 'At least I know she's into women' the blonde thought to herself.

"Gabri abbastanza," the millionaire said with anger lacing her voice. She had grabbed the other woman's hands and threw them off her waist.

"Jaicy, call security immediately and have this woman removed from this building at once," Stefania said shutting the door in Gabriella's face. The brunette sighed as she made her way back over to the blonde, who has now been staring at her lap to avoid the awkward small talk.

"I must apologize for that rude interruption. I can assure you not all my meetings go this way" Stefania said cracking a small smile to lighten up the situation. "Please don't apologize, Ms. Spampinato, this is not your fault" Danielle smiled back at her.

"Stefania," the millionaire said looking into the big blue eyes that stared up at her. "hmm" the blonde questioned. "Call me Stefania, I feel like 'Ms. Spampinato' is far too formal for a pretty girl like you to be calling me" the brunette said licking her lips with a small smirk forming on her face.

The blonde looked down all flustered trying to contain herself from blushing too hard. "Is that a natural thing?" Danielle asked innocently. "What is" Stefania questioned, not knowing what the blonde was talking about. "The flirting, do you usually flirt so nonchalantly" she replied quickly.

"Was that one of the questions" the millionaire giggled knowing it wasn't. The blonde shook her head 'no' with a small smile on her face. "Yes and no,  I'm Italian so it tends to come and go when it desires" Stefania smiled knowing the blonde was getting flustered.

'Italian, so that's what language she was speaking' Danielle thought to herself. "Do you always get flustered around people" the Italian questioned licking her lips, looking Danielle up and down. "Only ones that intimidate me" before the brunette could answer her, there was a knock on the door again. Stefania sighed before shouting out for whoever knocked to come in.

"Ms. Spampinato, your eleven o'clock meeting is waiting for you in conference room nineteen" Jaicy spoke. "Thank you, Jaicy," the millionaire said as Jaicy shut the door leaving the blonde and the brunette alone once again.

"I'm afraid we are going to cut this interview short, please allow me to walk you out," Stefania said holding her arm out indicating Danielle to go first. The millionaire watched as the blonde walked in front of her wearing this short green dress with white Polka dots, that sat just above her knees.

"Stefania, forgive me if this is forward, but I've only known you for fifteen minutes and I can already tell that you're overworking yourself. No matter who it is or what it is, it's not worth any of this" Danielle said with a small smile, stopping at the elevators. Danielle's comment took Stefania back a bit. "All due respect Ms. Savre, that is not your place to even talk about. You're just a photographer, subbing for a friend" Stefania said with attitude lacing her voice.

"Wow, okay, it was nice meeting you then" the blonde let out an annoyed scoff before stepping onto the elevator. Before the elevator doors closed, Danielle looked up at the brunette's eyes. Stefania wanted to say something but the doors had shut leaving her standing there regretting the tone she took with her.

"Minchia" the Italian grunted running her hands through her hair.

Hii babes!! I can't believe I'm actually doing this!! I was never gonna post this book, so I hope you all enjoy it!! Please feel free to write any suggestions!! Also such a huge shout out to Becca for pushing me to share my writing <3 marinafan242

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