Taehyung squinted. That was quite a familiar takeout box.

Wait. Scratch that.

Those were his dumplings.

His eyebrows furrowed together in fury. How the hell did this boy have the audacity to be utilizing something that belonged to Taehyung while ignoring him?

That was his dinner. He had been looking forward to those dumplings ever since he stepped foot inside the dorm.

He was positively livid at this point.

"Uh, Tae? Are you okay?" Jimin patted his knee, as the rest of the room turned to look at him while Jeongguk remained blissfully unaware.

Taehyung threw away the shirt he was holding, anger bubbling up to his chest, and stalked over to the oblivious boy, stepping over luggage and odd bits and pieces.

Jeongguk looked up at him as he approached, his eyes widening as Taehyung stopped barely a centimeter away from him and wrenched the takeout box out of his hands, chest almost heaving with anger.

Jeongguk's mouth opened and he looked at Taehyung then back at his empty hands then at the room who looked between the pair with an uneasy expression. The tension in the room became thick.

Jeongguk looked at the elder questioningly, "What the hell are you doing hyung?" he asked in a low tone.

"What am I doing?" Taehyung raised his voice. "What are you doing?! You haven't even uttered a single word to me since the past week and now you're stealing my food?"

Jeongguk laughed in disbelief, "Your food? I got this takeout for myself, stop being delusional and give my food back. If you want to eat then you could've just asked me, I would've shared," he said with a scoff.

Taehyung felt ballistic.

This boy, who was younger to him, who had been acting like the elder didn't exist for the past week, now had the gall to say he would share the food which belonged to Taehyung in the first place.

Taehyung glared at him, his mouth downturned and his eyes practically slits.

"Give me my dumplings back, I was in the middle of eating them before you rudely snatched it away from me." The maknae repeated himself.

"No, I won't."

Taehyung saw Jimin and Hoseok stand up behind him.

"This is ridiculous! Give me back the goddamn dumplings!"

"These are my dumplings, and you can't have them." Taehyung turned to leave when a hand grabbed his arm.

Jeongguk spoke in a dangerously quiet tone. "Stop being so petty, you know you are lying, those are my dumplings."

"I'm the petty one? I'm not the one who's acting like you don't exist, asshole!" Taehyung was becoming increasingly infuriated at the younger's superiority complex.

"I'm not acting like you don't exist, not everything's about you hyung! Stop being so self-centered!" Jeongguk's voice boomed through the living room. "Stop being so delusional for fuck's sake and get your head checked."

Jeongguk's words cut him but anger got the better of him. Ugliness turned him inside out. There was a certain satisfaction in bitterness. Taehyung courted it. It made him feel. It was standing outside, and he invited it in.

There was something gratifying about shouting in a blind rage until your words ran out.

"Those are mine!" Taehyung shouted, wrenching his arm away from tbe maknae. "I bought them. I paid for them. How dare you call them yours?"

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