Everytime We Touch (25)

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"'Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss
I swear I can fly
Can't you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side"

- Jk -

The maknae lay facedown on his bed, trying to summon the motivation from the gods or the pits of hell, whichever worked at the moment, to get up and take a shower. They had returned to the dorm from the choreography rehearsals an hour ago, and he was just lying down in his own sweat.

He had just got off a phone call from his mother, and she had asked him how his hyungs had been.

So now, behind his closed eyes, he thought about his hyungs.

How Namjoon, ever the intelligent and charismatic one spent all of his time scribbling in his pocket diary, duly fulfilled his role as the leader every waking second.

How Seokjin being a maknae from a rich family worked overtime to take care of all of them but never demanded respect just for his age yet everyone still came to respect him.

How Yoongi practically worked himself to death staying holed up all night in his studio but managed to look out for them silently in his own ways.

How Hoseok managed the group whenever Namjoon was not around and corrected even the miniscule mistakes they ever made, his smile holding the group together on tougher days.

How Jimin had to be almost hospitalised due exertion and his diet, but still snuck out at 4 am to practice before school.

And Taehyung -

Lately, the maknae had been thinking a little too much about Kim Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung was an enigma.

He was an extrovert yet sank into the silence of his own mind on most days. He could be brutal with his words when he argued yet went out of his way to help any of the members. He had the most absurd theories and the most profound knowledge. He rarely cried, yet Jeongguk could see his silhouette shaking at night. He had too many friends yet somehow he seemed lonely. His hands shook before a performance but his stage presence was exuberant.

He was like the ocean, calm and gentle on most days, and waves crashing the other.

But as confusing his personality was, his exterior on the other hand was not something to be confused with.

Kim Taehyung was an enigma, but he was also simply mesmerizing.

How his soft brown hair splayed on his forehead, how his eyes sparkled with entire galaxies when he talked about the things he liked, how his lips curved perfectly when he smiled, how his long elegant fingers moved with grace, and how his golden honey skin resembled Ichor, the blood of the ancient Gods. Jeongguk hated it when they put makeup on the elder two shades lighter than his natural skin tone.

Ever since Taehyung promised to travel with him one day, Jeongguk couldn't help but think about the time when they would finally be alone together.

Why did he want to be alone with him?

He probably did not have the answer to that himself.

Fire On Fire  [TK]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें