(4) Wonderstruck

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"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
That this night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you"

- Jk -

The light blazed to life and Jeongguk scowled.

"Get up guys, we'll be late," Namjoon groaned from below. Jeongguk opened one eye and found Taehyung sitting hunched over in his bunk, rubbing his eyes, hair poking out in all directions.

"My body feels like lead," Taehyung complained, voice hoarse.

Jeongguk propped himself up and lay his head on the wooden rail of the bunk, looking down.

"We should get Sundays off," Yoongi suggested, eyes still closed, head turned away from the light. One of his legs was on the floor, the other one was still under the covers.

"Ya Hoseoka," Namjoon shook him. It was unlike Hoseok to sleep in but he was passed out on his stomach like a rock. "Wake up, come on-" while Hoseok did not even stir.

"I hope he's alive." Yoongi stretched his back.

Taehyung flopped back into the covers, mumbling something in response which sounded like a faint '5 minutes.'

Jeongguk let out a sleepy smile. He faced Taehyung, who was sleeping on his side, cheeks squished by the pillow, lips turned into a pout, looking like a steamed bun and another pillow in his arms, and another between his legs.

Why does he have so many pillows?

Jeongguk wondered as he slipped down the bunk unceremoniously like a sack of potatoes.

Yoongi pulled Taehyung's blanket away and bundled it on his own bunk. "Rise and shine, Taehyunga."

Taehyung scowled like a petulant child before he too climbed down. Namjoon was out of the shower, and Yoongi went in next. Jeongguk had showered approximately six hours ago so he planned to forgo it. Taehyung stood beside the kitchen sink, brushing his teeth, eyes still closed.

And Hoseok was still in bed.

"Wow, he is sill not up?" Namjoon asked putting on his hoodie. "Hoseoka," he shook him rather hard. "Hoseoka we have to leave in ten."

Hoseok shot up in bed, blinked around in confusion, checked his phone, then stumbled out of bed and pushed Yoongi aside who was coming out of the washroom.

Namjoon chuckled. "He hates being late."

In fifteen minutes, they were out of the main door. Jeongguk fell back to walk beside Taehyung who walked at a snail's pace, lost in his own world, eyes scanning the surroundings.

It had snowed through the night. The first snow of the season and a layer of white tufts of snow sat on the trees, the side of the streets, and atop the cables and the houses.

Jeongguk matched the elder's speed, slowing when he slowed, and pacing when paced, and when Taehyung's eyes lit up looking a snowman a group of toddlers were trying to build, Jeongguk felt warm all over.

In the studio, they danced until their bones ached. After a few minutes of break, their instructor clapped for them to gather around.

"Let's try something new," he smiled, eyes crinkling. "We'll play the first part of different songs and with every song a new person comes to front and dances freestyle, okay?"

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