Wild (37)

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"Running on the music
And night highs
But when the light's out
It's me and you now, now"

- Jk -

"That is not how you do it, you have to put your foot back like this," Hoseok instructed Namjoon who was struggling with the choreography.

"No, the left foot- that's your right foot- the left one, the other one!"

"How long do we have to do this," Namjoon whined, throwing his head back, "I am hungry. I can't concentrate."

"An hour more maybe, we need to finish this choreo today, the show champion is next week and we need to practice well. Take a break if you want, get a sandwich from downstairs," Hoseok brought his hands up to stretch coming out of his dance teacher mode.

"Yeah, that'll be great, Jeongguka, do you want a sandwich?" Namjoon asked the maknae, "I am going to get one, come if you want to."

Jeongguk did get hungry during practice but at the moment he was just a bit preoccupied.

"You go ahead hyung- I'll have it later-"

Namjoon shrugged and walked past him towards the exit.

Jeongguk stomach let out a slight grumble as if to tell him that it did want food, but the butterflies flying in it did not leave much room for it, because he was currently busy being mesmerized.

Taehyung stood in a corner playing with a bubble blowing toy he had bought earlier. A simple act of dipping the bubble stick into the soap solution and then bringing it to your mouth and gently blowing on it.

A very simple act, yet it had Jeongguk bowled over.

He wondered why everyone did not go beserk with the movements of his chocolate-brown hair, the flick of his hands, the gold of his laughter whenever Jin poked any one of the bubbles he blew.

Jeongguk had not missed a single one of his gestures, but he did not dare approach him for fear of destroying the spell.

"Taehyunga if you spill that soap solution I swear I'll use you as a mop to clean it," Hoesok warned.

Taehyung giggled at Hoseok's friendly warning, letting out his full smile, his lips forming a box shape, enough to melt ice bergs withing minutes.

He then darted his eyes across the room, momentarily stopping his hands midair, locking eyes with the maknae, and in the midst of all chaos, there were two souls, lost in each other.

Taehyung's smile dissipated and Jeongguk stared at him, everything blurry around them. Two pairs of eyes, looking at each other, with no words spoken.

He didn't know how, and he didn't why, but he was close to the conclusion that this hyung held his heart in the palm of his hand. Every flutter of the elder's eyelashes, fluttered the beats of the maknae's heart with equal measure.

The back and forth game of flirty intimacy they were playing felt good, even when Jeongguk's thoughts hummed with the guilt of it all. It was a bit too much for friends to be called friends but his mind was spun, heart in a frenzy, and breaths hitched whenever Taehyung was around him, or secretly stealing glances from behind their hyung's backs.

His bubble was burst with the sudden sound of Taehyung's squealing laughter. He fell back into Jimin's arms who was tickling the sides of his stomach.

"I told you I would get revenge you cheeky brat!" Jimin laughed with him.

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