(23) Without you

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"I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch in my dreams
Forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why
Without you, it's hard to survive"

- V -

Taehyung sat on the wooden floor staring at the boy practicing in front of him.

2 weeks.

It had been 2 weeks since Jeongguk was avoiding him.

And he was not being subtle about it.

He wouldn't look at him, he wouldn't sit next to him, he wouldn't sleep next to him, he wouldn't talk to him except for practice or work related things. He actively tried not to be in the same room as him.

"What did I even do that night?" Taehyung thought to himself.

Taehyung had woken up with splitting headache the morning after he got way more drunk than he bargained for.

"I am never drinking again", he had declared that day like every other hungover person reeling from the effects of having too much alcohol, and the hyungs had just laughed at him, providing him with some hangover soup and patting his back.

"Taehyunga, you should be thankful to Gukkie for carrying you, otherwise you would have woken up on the sidewalk", Jimin had told him.

"You were so drunk that you thought a plastic wrapper was a flower", Hoseok reminded him.

And Taehyung kept on facepalming himself throught the day whenever his hyungs reminded him of the previous night.

Except Jeongguk.

That boy did not utter a single word about that night. And that is what scared Taehyung the most.

Did I say something inappropriate?

Or worse- did I DO something inappropriate?!

Did I break something of his?

He is very possessive about his stuff.

Oh shit did I wear his underwear?

No that's not it.

Man, this is giving me another headache.

He was sure he did something wrong. And he did try to talk to the younger, in hopes of understanding what had transpired between them that night but Jeongguk was avoiding him like the plague.

Maybe I should apologize.

But what do I apologise for?

The constant practices had been quite tiring for everyone. Without the maknae's attention the elder felt even more drained. His mind was always thinking about why Jeongguk was avoiding him, why couldn't he just come and say what was wrong to his face. This silent treatment from the younger was getting on his nerves.

These past weeks had not just been physically taxing but now became mentally taxing as well. Jeongguk had become his comfort, his solace in the middle of the storm, and without him, Taehyung just felt uneasy all the time.

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