Can't Fight this Feeling (32)

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"And even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight
You're a candle in the window on a cold, dark winter's night
And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might"

-V -

Taehyung held a bowl of ramen close to his chest while they all sat in Jin's room for a late night snack.

The day had been particularly tiring with the whole poolside shoot and their trip to the zoo. They had marveled at the different animals with gaping mouths and excited whispers.

"Mhm, this is so good!" Jeongguk hummed in appreciation after taking a bite of his food. He was always so fond of eating. The maknae's appetite was no joke. He ate and he ate, and when he finished eating, he ate some more. Yoongi termed it as the appetite of a growing child.

He sat on the bay-window beside Hoseok in a black vest, his lean muscles on display.

He didn't know when did he start finding Jeongguk's muscles so attractive. Once he looked, he couldn't stop staring. Taehyung gazed at him with hooded eyes and a slightly parted mouth, noticing every vein that ran up the smooth arms of the youngers. The way it slightly flexed whenever Jeongguk brought his hand up. Most of their workout sessions were spent with Jeongguk working out and Taehyung sitting in a corner and staring at him.

Muscle kink, Jimin once called it.

"Taehyunga," Jimin whispered beside him, sprawled on the bed. "For the love of all that is holy, stop staring at him so shamelessly."

Taehyung cleared his throat and fluttered his eyelids, looking around, "I am not-I am not doing that," he muttered, trying to be nonchalant.

"Oh please," Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Jiminaa-" Taehyung whined, making Jimin laugh softly and wrap his arms around his best friend while he poked his stomach to get rid of him. He felt a glare on the side of his face and glanced ahead find the maknae's eyes on him. Taehyung's grin dropped.

Why is he looking at me like that?

Jeongguk got up with determined and Taehyung gulped. He proceeded to walk towards Taehyung and very casually sat between the two even though there wasn't much space. "My butt hurts from sitting there."

Jimin whistled lightly.

Taehyung's ears turned red. He knew Jeongguk got jealous easily, but to show his displeasure so boldly made Taehyung feel- strangely happy?

Even when Taehyung thought Jeongguk went a little overboard in his possessiveness, he secretly loved it. But the thought was quickly broken when his eyes glanced at his hyungs.

Hoseok and Jimin had laughed at Jeongguk's antics but Taehyung saw a flicker of seriousness in Jin, and Namjoon's eyes before they too, went back to smiling.

He knew that look all too well. It held concern, but more than that, it held suspicion. Heat crowded his face.

There was nothing to be suspicious about. Jeongguk being moodily possessive about things was not new. Two teenage boys still figuring out their emotions wouldn't really cause a concern for them.

Fleeting emotions.


Need for human touch.


Comfortable with each other.

This is how they always are.

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