Memo (26)

678 27 4

"Are you gonna hide are you gonna burn
Gonna answer me?
Let me take your heart
Love you in the dark
No one has to see
I want more, I want more
I want more, I want more"

- Jk -

The two 95 liners entertained themselves with a huge green exercise ball, laughing and tossing it at each other. Their footsteps echoed across the wooden floor gymnasium as they jumped around playing with it.

The maknae on the other hand, was having a particularly rough day.

He had stayed up all night playing games and to nobody's surprise, sleep deprivation made him act like a piranha snapping at everything and everyone.

He stood in a corner, hands folded across his chest, wearing a mask over his mouth, his hood pulled up and stared at his hyungs.

He had already went through hours of practice and now his body was on 5% battery. He needed food, sleep, or maybe his Taehyungie hyung. And his Taehyungie hyung was busy bouncing around with Jimin.

At one point Jimin wrapped his arms around Taehyung from behind and tickled him, making the brunet squeal in laughter.

Jeongguk scoffed and shook his head in amusement as he rolled his eyes, his tongue tracing his inner cheek.

Taehyung had barely spent any time with him today. The elder had finished breakfast before Jeongguk woke up. He then left the dorm with Jimin while Jeongguk was having breakfast, and when Jeongguk reached for practice, the elder was preoccupied with his so called soulmate.

On good days, Park Jimin was Jeongguk's best friend, and on days like these, his worst enemy.

Jeongguk sighed and took out his phone, looking at YouTube videos hoping for some distraction.

He was standing against the wall when he felt a movement beside him and the familiar smell of the elder reached him.

"Guk", Taehyung said almost panting, standing next to him. "Come play with us- Hoseokie hyung and Jimina are teaming up to defeat me", Taehyung whined with a pout.

And all hell would get damned when Taehyung pouted and looked at the maknae with his adorable puppy eyes. Jeongguk could rarely say no to the elder whenever he asked for something, but lack of sleep took a front seat this time.

"Not interested", Jeongguk answered coldly an went back to his phone.

"Come on Gukkie, don't sulk in a corner, let's go play, we can beat them--", Taehyung shook his shoulder.

Jeongguk removed Taehyung's hand, "No hyung, I don't want to play right now", he said a bit irritable.

"Mwo? Wae? Please Jeonggoogie-- Jungjungjung koo koo koo--", Taehyung sang pulling the younger's arm back and forth.

"I said I am not interested", Jeongguk snapped jerking his hand away from the elder.

"Yah", Jimin immediately called out, "Don't be disrespectful."

"Whatever", Jeongguk deadpanned and straightened up before walking towards the other side of the room.

Jimin started to complain behind him, "Aish this brat he-"

He was about to turn back when he heard Taehyung cut him off, "Let him be Jimina, he is a bit sleepy today."

"And that is nobody else's fault," Jimin stated, his tone borderline pissed. "We told him to sleep early, it is his problem if he decided not to listen, there is no need to take it out on other people."

Fire On Fire  [TK]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora