Fools (46)

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"I am tired of this place, I hope people change
I need time to replace what I gave away
And my hopes, they are high, I must keep them small
Though I try to resist I still want it all"

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Taehyung was struggling.

All in all, he had been experiencing a week from hell. The practices lasted the whole day, and a good night's sleep was hard to get by. Winter had arrived in harsh coldness, and though he loved the season, it seemed a little dull.

When Taehyung would find himself unable to sleep he would often climb into Jeongguk's bed and wrap himself around the younger, seeking comfort. In Jeongguk's half-asleep state he was more lenient and didn't seem to mind, but since the past few days Jeongguk had been avoiding him like an unlucky penny.

Jeongguk had been slightly withdrawn when Taehyung arrived at the apartment last week after his filming was over. He didn't blame the maknae for abruptly asking him to leave after asking him to stay the previous minute. It had been almost four in the morning and the maknae did need a peaceful sleep at that time, but he also knew how Jeongguk's face had shut down as soon as he saw the notification on his phone

Since then, Taehyung had been tailgating him like a police car chasi g around a criminal. When Taehyung sat beside him, he changed his seat, he stopped joking around when Taehyung entered the room, made no attempt to talk to him, and replied in one-worded answers whenever the elder asked him anything.

However, the emptiness Taehyung felt didn't seem to go away. He felt restless constantly during practice, in the recording room, and even while they performed. It was almost the end of the year and Taehyung was becoming fed up, he needed to break up his routine and do something. December was easily one of the busiest months they had to face and with the added aloofness of his best friend, Taehyung had been constantly on edge. To add to his misery, his father had called him in the morning to inform that grandmother was feeling under the weather. He longed to go home, to lay in her arms and fall asleep. But they were leaving for Japan the next day.

It was a Thursday night, and Christmas eve and the entire living room was a mess. Piles of clothes were strewn across the hallways, gloves lay on the dining chairs, suitcases lay open in the living room, jackets hung on the windows and all kinds of electrical appliances from phone chargers to earphones were littered around. Packing with seven people at the same time, in the same house usually caused a mini hurricane.

Taehyung sat on the floor folding his shirts quietly listening half heartedly to the story Namjoon was narrating. He would've been interested in it but he couldn't really bring himself to feel anything at this point.

His hands were a little shaky and his body felt utterly deprived of energy. With drifting focus, he tried squeezing his eyes shut, then opening them wide in an effort to stay awake but it was getting difficult to sit upright with every minute.

Leaning back against the sofa, he put his hands in his pocket feeling a small wooden carving he had bought as Christmas gift for the maknae. Maybe that would make the youngest come around.

Hoseok and Jimin sat on the floor with him packing their own suitcases, while Seokjin stood by the dining table, picking out his clothes. Yoongi sat beside Namjoon on the chairs. Taehyung could feel the sickness creeping in but he did not even have a single free minute to think about it.

He looked up to find Jeongguk sprawled on the sofa. Him, being the golden boy he was, had already finished packing and now rested, sipping an iced americano while watching a movie on his phone, popping dumplings into his mouth from a takeout box.

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