《 Chapter 14 》

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<<CHAPTER 14>> (Written on Feb 1, 2022)

It was almost midnight, and Shuichi finally managed to catch up to the assassin, who looked as if she was never born with lungs. She looked completely fine, not even stopping to catch her breath. Well, she stopped since they've arrived at their destination; Shuichi's house.

What training did she even have?!

Shuichi limped over and took deep breathes in and out. "You didn't stop for me... *cough*"

Maki turned to face him. "Why would I stop for you?" Shuichi gawked at her as if she spoken a curse.

'Because I'm a human too! And I can't run as fast as you! Were you even born with lungs?!'

Shuichi took about three minutes to regain his breath, but his leg still buckled and then collapsed onto the ground. "Because... I'm not a skilled assassin like you."

"You're just slow," Maki said bluntly. "And besides, I did say I wasn't going to stop until we're here, did I not?"

Shuichi internally screeched for a good second before he carefully stood up. He looked around and glanced at Maki before he nervously thanked her. "At least I won't be able to take my morning walks."

"You do morning walks?"

"U-uhm... not really, but Shirogane-San insisted I should."

Maki stared at him as if he spoken the curse. "Shiro-who?"

Shuichi waved it off along with a nervous chuckle. "I-it's fine... you can go now..."

Maki glared at him before leaving the property. "Whatever."

As soon as Shuichi stepped into the house, he was greeted by his sister. She had her arms crossed and she currently wasn't wearing her glasses.

"And what took your sweet sleep time, going out there for almost what, 30 minutes?" She hissed. Shuichi gloomily (And exhaustedly) apologized before going up to their room. He flopped onto the bed and his eyes closed immediately.

"I blame Harukawa-San for making him feel so bothered at night. AND RIGHT AFTER HIS FRICKIN'-! Gh," Tsumugi sighed as she sat on the bed before lifting her legs to the bed. "No use thinking about it now."

- - - - - - - - - -

"Yesterday was fun wasn't it, Saihara-Chan?"

"...yesterday?" Shuichi had fun, yes.

But that was when it was daytime. Nighttime? You know how it turned out.

It was another Monday, and Kokichi decided to chat with his beloved, only to find Shuichi slumped on his desk, worn out. Maki didn't dare turn around from her seat, while Himiko stared at the two males from hers.

Rantaro watched in jealously, but was quickly distracted soon by his whitehaired friend, Kiibo.

"Yeah, yesterday! Or did you forget?" Kokichi had this expression and Shuichi knew what was coming but didn't dare do anything about it. Heck, he can't try to do anything at all!

"WAHHHHHHHH, and I thought you remembered it in your precious heart...!" Kokichi dramatically wailed out, getting glares from almost everyone in the classroom. Shuichi slowly shook his head as he closed his eyes.

"I didn't forget... I just dealt with something..."


"I dealt with exercise."

"Exercise? That's 'FOOKING' lame. Why would you want to exercise in the morning?!"

"I never said it was in the morning..." Shuichi muttered out and Kokichi's mouth changed into an 'o' shape. "Well, why would you exercise anyway?"

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