【Chapter 05】

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It was Monday, and once they arrived at school, Shuichi got dropped off by Tsumugi and they both headed inside the building. It was a few minutes until homeroom starts, and they suddenly saw Yukizome heading their way. Once she saw them, she greeted them with a wave before seeing Shuichi's freshly bandaged hand. She frowned a few seconds after.

"Are you okay, Saihara?" She asked worriedly. He laughed nervously. "Y-yes, Yukizome-sensei..."

"He got injured by a cactus unfortunately. Can he have permission to not write any notes until his hand gets a little better?"

"Well, if it's getting a lot better and can move his hand, then he has to write some notes. Otherwise, yes, you have my permission. How are your projects?"

"Ah! Yeah, I'm off to a good start I guess..."

"Project?" Tsumugi asked, confused.

"I had two of my classmates stay over... remember? You were... outside seeing them leave." Shuichi decided not to mention the 'stalking' part.

"Ah, them! Yes yes... I remember now."

"We should go in the classroom now, homeroom is about to start," Yukizome said to them and they both nodded.

Yukizome entered the classroom and everyone looked at them. Kokichi and Rantaro was there, and their faces went from a stare down to concern once they noticed the detective's hand. As the teacher went to her desk, Shuichi waved bye to Tsumugi and she waved back before leaving the classroom's door.

"Who was that?"

"A-ah, she's... Tsumugi."

"Tsumugi? Why was she with you?" Rantaro asked.

"You know her?" Rantaro shook his head no. "She goes to the same school and... was the one who escorted me here. Not that important anyways...heh." He looked at Kokichi who still showed concern. He noticed Shuichi staring and immediately went smiling.

"That's one heck of an injury, Saihara-Chan!"

"Y-Yeah. A-also... uhm- can I borrow your notes?"

"My notes? What for?"

"Come on, Ouma, all he need was notes from you. After class, if that's what he meant."

"Nope! I don't do notes!" Kokichi exclaimed with a mischievous grin. Shuichi slightly frowned before he got a hand on his shoulder.

"You can borrow mine if you want, Saihara," Rantaro offered. Shuichi sighed in relief as Kokichi was the next to frown. "T-Thanks, Amami-kun." The greenette nodded before heading to his desk. Shuichi went back to his desk and -using his free hand- placed his bag down to the side of it.

Kokichi turned away and thought to himself. '... what is this feeling? Rantaro placed his hand on Shumai's shoulder, that all! Then... why am I feeling... pissed...?' He closed his eyes and rested his head into his arms. '... I hate this feeling.'

The bell rung and the teacher stood up from her desk to start her usual teachings. Kokichi looked over and saw Rantaro look forward with his notebook and pencil ready. He then looked at Shuichi who did the same but didn't have anything on his desk other than his hat (where did that come from?)

Kokichi turned to grab his notebook and pencil.


It was finally lunchtime, and Shuichi sat down to an empty table. A minute later, Tsumugi sat down next to him. "So?"

"S-So what?"

"Did you get the notes from Ouma?" She looked at the table far ahead of the table she was currently in, and saw the purple male with his two female friends.

"Ah- no... but I got notes from Amami-kun. It's fine." As if on cue, Rantaro appeared and sat down across from the two siblings. "You summoned me?"

"Not intentionally! Do you have the notes with you?"

"Not right now, it's in my locker. Why?"

"Ah, I was kinda hoping I would copy the notes from yours right now. It would save time from doing it after school..." Tsumugi sighed. "Oh well! If you don't mind," she stood up from her seat. "I'm gonna eat my lunch with my friends..."

"Ah- go ahead, Tsumugi!" Shuichi said, awkwardly laughing as his sister walked away from the table. It was only Rantaro and Shuichi. He gave the detective a suspicious look.

"I-is something wrong?"

"I have many questions to ask you about, but it's fine if you don't want to answer them..."

"Oh it's okay," Shuichi mumbled as he took a bite of his lunch.

Rantaro finished eating his portion of his lunch and swallowed it before continuing. "How'd you hand got hurt so badly?"

"... I-I got injured by a cactus plant when I woke up Saturday morning..." He answered. "Oh that reminds me, who moved the cactus plant? I was sure it was placed somewhere else in my room and not the..."

"The drawer next to the bed? Ah yes, I do remember Kokichi messing with it while you were outside of your room that day."

"K-Kokichi was messing with a cactus plant?!" He sputtered out before he realized he was shouting. "S-sorry."

"Ah it's okay. Second to last, do you and... Tsumugi know each other?"

"Tsumugi... she's... my neighborhood friend," Shuichi lied.

The reason why he lied to Rantaro was because Tsumugi Shirogane was particularly a spy. She joined the murderer's cult as someone else entirely (she was out in public wearing her cosplay (cospox and all that doesn't exist :3)) and she also works with Shuichi and the police.

It was confidential stuff and if Tsumugi's fake identity was blown, the police can't keep tabs on the murderer's cult. The police and the detective in-training, especially his sister, had to refrain from spilling the tea.

If Rantaro ever finds out she was his sister, he would hang out with her to know her better, and she sometimes slips up and Rantaro will know for sure she's working for the cult he despised so bad.

"That's why... I see. Last question..." he paused momentarily, causing Shuichi to result in confusion. "... nevermind. I forgot what I was going to ask you."

"Ah... okay. If you remember, t-then you can tell me, if you want, that is."

As lunch was over, Shuichi spotted one of the females that was with Kokichi approach him, and he felt a chill over his spine as her glare pierced through his eyes. "You. Are Kokichi's best friend, right?"

"Y-y-y-yes?" Shuichi stuttered intensively. She took one step closer and looked up and down. "The last time I saw you, you looked like a jerk."


"Nevermind that. You are the detective of the detective agency, are you?"

Shuichi widen his eyes. "Well... yes, b-but why do you a-ask?"

"... I have this information on the murderer's cult. I found it a long time ago, perhaps before this school year started, by their 'messenger.' If you want it, take it. It has no use to me for a child caregiver."

"Y-you're a chi-"

"What?" The female asked coldly giving Shuichi another stare down. Shuichi hated those eyes. It freaked him out terribly. The female noticed this and made her cold expression vanish like it never existed. "Geez, I wasn't going to murder you. I was just pissed about something."

She scoffed and turned around before walking out of the cafeteria. Shuichi shuddered in the spot before heading out of the room with the paper in his hand.




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