「 Chapter 32 」(FINAL!)

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Hey guess what? You finally got an Author's Note on June 08, 2022! (It's June 14 the day I publish this, but whatever lol)

This story started WAY too long ago, and normally, I would've finished by now. But no. Because this story has no actual plot other than the fact that the main focus is to get Shuichi and Kokichi together while solving things out. Which, by the way, makes me remember about the first few chapters where both of their parents got slaughtered by the Despairs. I got too focused on Rantaro's sisters I completely forgotten about that.

I'll try to get back onto the non-existent  plot with the motivation I have.

Also, if you see a change in the future chapters, just letting you know this story was moved from a combination of all of my stories. Read my announcements from the dates before June 08, 2022. Thank you.


<<CHAPTER 32>>

The vehicle drives up to the nearest gas station and Kyoko got out of the driver seat to fill the car with gas. Aoi opened up the trunk and Kokichi rolled out, resulting himself falling onto the concrete ground.


"Why did you even roll out anyway?" Aoi giggled as she helped Kokichi up.

"At least it ain't a boring entrance out of the cramped space, huh?" The said male shot back with a grin.

The group finally reached a few miles close to the town after a few minutes of driving away from the bomb source. Kyoko wasn't sure if Mukuro could make it to the gas station by foot, but she knows for a fact Mukuro isn't going to back down.

"Honestly, we should've stuck with either a van or a truck," Kaede groaned as she stretched her limbs out. "I was squished in between Shuichi and Rantaro..."

To get a better idea on who sat where in the car → Driver Seat: Kyoko Kirigiri          Passenger Seat: Aoi Asahina           Backseat: (left to right) Shuichi Saihara, Kaede Akamatsu, Rantaro Amami          Trunk: Kokichi Ouma

"Sorry, Akamatsu-san..." Shuichi apologized. Kaede shook her head. "No no! It's fine! We had no other choice anyways..."

"Don't forget we need to loot Mukuro, Tsumugi, and Monaca in," Rantaro added without a second thought, and Kokichi can be heard groaning in the back of the car. "I'm not getting back inside a trunk with one other person!"

"Those three will have to find a way to make it back to the city in one piece," Aoi mumbled. "I don't see any other vehicles from way out here in both directions!"

"Hey, speaking of which, how did you and Kyoko get to the base?" Rantaro wondered.

"We were carpooled there by our fellow police members. They drove away after we were dropped off..." Aoi sighs. "Only Saihara and Akamatsu were the ones who drove up by themselves in this very car."

"Shumai can drive?" Kokichi asked, surprised.

"Well, you did  see Tsumugi drive before, right?" Shuichi shrugged. "I-it's not much to be surprised about..."

'Minus the fact that Kaede drove this car thinking the pedals are like piano pedals...' Shuichi added to himself.

Aoi gasped. "I see a blob from over there!"

"A what?" Kaede turned her head to look at the older female before looking wherever she's looking at. Indeed, there was a dark blob moving at their direction.

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