〔 Chapter 27 〕

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<<CHAPTER 27>>

"Will Maki be okay, nyeh?" Himiko quietly asked. Tenko aggressively nodded with a confident smile. "Harukawa-San will be alright! She's strong, so I'm sure she'll be just fine on her own!"

"Okay..." Himiko answered but was unsure.

"Yumeno-San!" Kaede called, and Himiko turned to see Kokichi and the others approach them. "Nyeh! You guys are safe! I'm happy... *yawn*..."

Tenko scoffed at the sight of males, as usual. "Himikoooo, why are you greeting those degenerates males?? Especially this liar here!"

"Please don't call my... friend that," Shuichi pleaded while Kokichi rolled his eyes. "No worries, my beloved, I bet Miss Karate Legs isn't worth your time anyways!"

"That was uncalled for!" Tenko glared at him. "I will totally kick your ass into space after this bloody battle is over!" Himiko tugged Tenko's shirt. "Nyeh... don't. He's my friend too, after all."

"You're friends with this degenerate?!" Tenko screeched.

"A-Anyways," the female subordinate raised her hand up. "...how are my friends?"

"Nyeh, I don't know. I haven't seen them around here, maybe you should go to where Kiibo is."

"Alright, thanks, Himiko!" Kokichi cheered before he went to the direction where Kiibo is. Shuichi followed him before the rest of the group did the same. Himiko watched them leave before realizing Rantaro wasn't with them.

"Nyeh? Where's Amami?" She asked even though she wasn't expecting an answer.

"He probably got lost," Tenko sighed. "Can we not talk about degenerate males, Himiko?"

"You're the one saying it though, nyeh," Himiko fired back before she smacked a Monokuma.

"I'm glad you're here!" Kiibo exclaimed. He was found sitting in front of the building as if he's relaxing. But he's not. He's just resting.

Do those words have the same meaning or are they just different? I don't know.

"Hey, Keeboy! How come you're not firing lasers anymore?" Kokichi asked, and Kiibo sighed. "I just happen to run out of energy for it, my apologies. There's isn't always anything in a robot gear that is unlimited, you know that, right?"

"Mhm! Yup yup! Totally!"

"...Where's Amami-kun?" Kiibo asked, and Kaede frowned. "He's... gone somewhere. We did meet Monaca and Harukawa-San on the way before returning here."

"Himiko reported about Maki's absence," Kiibo said with confusion. "...but not... Monaca?"

"You don't know her?"

"No, not really. I only heard of a name like that from Amami-kun."

"Well, that is kinda the reason why he left us in the dust," the male subordinate scratched his head. "Maki is with him, I'm sure. He'll be fine."

"Ah, is that so..." Kiibo muttered. "Dang it."

Kirumi was also with Kiibo, but is focused on the Monokumas before she saw the bear stop in its tracks. Almost every single Monokuma had the same effect.

It's comparable to the entire city having a blackout; they all stopped functioning.

"Monaca says it's time to retreat!" a girl's voice called out with no hint of venom. She sounds a bit cheerful for a situation like this. "Monokumas! Let's go!"

The Monokumas started running into the trees.

Oh, did I ever mention that the DICE'S current base in in the middle of a large grove of trees? It stretches for miles in both length and width. Both of the bases -The Despairs and DICE- are in the same area, but is too far and hidden even if you chartered a flying machine to try to view it from above.

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